For Sale Le Gold Primary Tournament (CPC MD-50 DSQ) - Samples! (1 Viewer)

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Thanks everyone for the interest. On it! Will be contacting everyone shortly.

In for 9 chips if still available :)

Thank you
Sorry, out of samples for this round. :(
I'll see whether I'll decide to spare some more at a later point in time.
Status update:
  • To minimize chances for losses, all US deliveries upgraded to have tracking (FedEx + USPS), currently on the way with to Ben & Brie who will be doing reshipping (thanks for offering it!).
  • All international on the way! (except for UK, because they're so special)
  • UK will be reshipped internally within her majesty's borders next week.
Thanks again, please drop me a PM when you will have received my babies. Fondle with care!
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