What a year this has been! Zero to 1k in 9 months, covid definitely helped with that respect, and definitely didn't help my wallet (getting my credit card flagged for a few days due to suspicious chip acquisitions DID help though!). Anyway, as my fellow flush chippers have done before, let's celebrate this with a giveaway.
Since most of my chips are still not in my hands (the joy of living on a chip-wise wrong continent!), worst of all my customs which were supposed to be done months ago, we'll go with something I do have. Up for grabs is a full sample set of the beautiful Ascona POLYINNO chips by @SUN-FLY Poker Chips. Certainly different than most other chips, I just loved the design and colors from the moment I saw them. And as I recently managed to acquire a full set + sample set, here we are. Worldwide shipping included, non-tracked and uninsured (can be upgraded at the recipient's cost).
This time we won't be doing a Kifer. The set consists of 12 chips. None of them is official casino weight! Not only that, but the denoms have different weights. Whoever comes closest to the correct order, from lightest to heaviest, is the winner (or winners... since there are 12 chips, I figured out I can either do a single winner or split the set into two (6x lower denoms and 5x higher+ND) to spread the love - let me know your preferences in the comments.) As for how to determine the winner, I'll need to think about it
I might try the Levenshtein distance algorithm, number of steps in another sorting algorithm, or some completely different scientific method that's complicated enough. In any case, I'll take a barrel of each denom and use the average weight as "official". My scale's numbers are final, as are the results.
Apart from any comments you might have, to make things easier for me, please write the answers in this form (with your preferred order): 1 5 25 100 500 1k 5k 10k 25k 50k 100k ND
I will leave this open until 11/11 @11:11pm CET (so no ambiguity about the date, and as for the time - now YOU do the math
Since most of my chips are still not in my hands (the joy of living on a chip-wise wrong continent!), worst of all my customs which were supposed to be done months ago, we'll go with something I do have. Up for grabs is a full sample set of the beautiful Ascona POLYINNO chips by @SUN-FLY Poker Chips. Certainly different than most other chips, I just loved the design and colors from the moment I saw them. And as I recently managed to acquire a full set + sample set, here we are. Worldwide shipping included, non-tracked and uninsured (can be upgraded at the recipient's cost).
This time we won't be doing a Kifer. The set consists of 12 chips. None of them is official casino weight! Not only that, but the denoms have different weights. Whoever comes closest to the correct order, from lightest to heaviest, is the winner (or winners... since there are 12 chips, I figured out I can either do a single winner or split the set into two (6x lower denoms and 5x higher+ND) to spread the love - let me know your preferences in the comments.) As for how to determine the winner, I'll need to think about it

Apart from any comments you might have, to make things easier for me, please write the answers in this form (with your preferred order): 1 5 25 100 500 1k 5k 10k 25k 50k 100k ND
I will leave this open until 11/11 @11:11pm CET (so no ambiguity about the date, and as for the time - now YOU do the math