Lets Rant and hate on Millenials!!?!??!?! (1 Viewer)


Full House
Feb 25, 2014
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I personally think this is a systematic failure from education, to parenting, to government, to everything in between.

Im going to play the old fart card, and I'm only 29, does that make me a millenial? I think it does.

Nonetheless, following the protest culture nationwide Missouri students protested to out the President of their university several months ago. This was covered nonstop by the media for what seemed an eternity.

If you have not been following closely, this week, the newest demands from the protestors are free tuition, cancellation of all student debt, ability to wipe out failing grades along with some other demands.

I am curious on your input to this whole situation, whether it be specific to Missouri, to millenials in general, or maybe your stance as an employer; and how you would like at these type of people when they begin to get into the real world to work, or even your attitude as a parent.

Is this just going to get worse and worse as the years go by, or will there by a tipping point?

This is simply to put YOUR thoughts down, it will be all opinion based, so please prepare yourself.

Sidenote: following the Missouri protests, they had to shut down campuses, close student housing, lower retirement for professors, and make budget cuts all over the place,; all stemming back to the protests, who wants to attend a college where there is a massive 24/7 protest going on
I personally think this is a systematic failure from education, to parenting, to government, to everything in between.

I think it's been engineered purposely, rather than an accidental failure of our system. The people in power want us to give our government more power, more control, more money. They want us to depend on government so it can continue to grow and bloat.
Every generation says the same thing..... Think about the parents in the 70s. The country was definitely going down the crapper right? Drugs, hippies, war? How could a bunch of hippies lead the country in the future, we're doomed right? Wrong, we survived and look what was created. What do you think parents will say in 30 years? The exact same thing, yet the country still keeps plodding along and we survive.

Ask a person in their 80s and they will confirm what Im telling you. It's always drama, the world is always ending etc. But it will be just fine. Stop reading the press. It poisons the mind. Go play some poker with buddies or pickup a fishing rod. You'll be happier. Did I mention to stop reading the press?
I put the blame squarely on the shoulders of the parents who raise self-centered, egotistical, entitled brats with no sense of responsibility who think that they deserve everything their little hearts desire without having to work for it.

I'm not saying that all millenials are like that or that these issues are limited to millenials, but I've been on this planet for quite some time now and can't help noticing the trend.

Strictly my opinion, folks, with absolutely no facts to back it up. :LOL: :laugh:
I put the blame squarely on the shoulders of the parents who raise self-centered, egotistical, entitled brats with no sense of responsibility who think that they deserve everything their little hearts desire without having to work for it.

I'm not saying that all millenials are like that or that these issues are limited to millenials, but I've been on this planet for quite some time now and can't help noticing the trend.

Strictly my opinion, folks, with absolutely no facts to back it up. :LOL: :laugh:
@abby99 i feel like you wouuld love Adam Carollas podcast, his number one reasoning to Americas problems starts and ends with poor parenting. People having too many kids who cant support them, have no parental skills, and leads to a perpetual family lineage of one teenage pregnancy, to the daughters teenage pregnancy and so on
@abby99 i feel like you wouuld love Adam Carollas podcast, his number one reasoning to Americas problems starts and ends with poor parenting. People having too many kids who cant support them, have no parental skills, and leads to a perpetual family lineage of one teenage pregnancy, to the daughters teenage pregnancy and so on

I thought it was all the teachers' faults.
If teen pregnancies only were the worst of it.

  • There's perpetual poor generations needing welfare.
  • There's perpetually wealthy offspring getting millions from daddy to give them a leg up, then claiming they have the same opportunities as anyone (and fighting against welfare).
  • There's children raised in households where science is shunned because their religion is the one true religion (and don't you dare study another one).
  • There's racists raising junior racists.
You need a license to drive. You need to study for years to practice medicine or law. But create, raise, and train a human being? You just have to be able to fornicate with someone you met at Walmart.

Basically, I'm saying the country's problems are caused by Walmart.
I tend to agree with Mummel. However I see plenty of kids that just want and don't understand how to work for it. Might be just seeing a small percentage. But, the grades at school is so annoying. Giving them redo's and extra credit and more redo's just to pass them along.

There are plenty of kids that work and go get what they want so I am on the fence I guess.
Also worth mentioning are parents who browbeat teachers to give their precious offspring higher grades, a populace that expects teachers to parent their kids, and trophies given to kids just for showing up.

Ranting feel gooooooood!
Love it Abby, agreed 100%. I worked at a ymca through my college summers, participation trophies like you read about. If you won, you can't celebrate because it's poor sportsmanship. If you lose, here's a trophy after you throw a temper tantrum over the game not being fair
Regarding the University of Missouri protests, the Black Lives Matters movement originated from a racist remark from a non-student at the campus. These students believe they need to be protected from hate speech rather than simply allow the unpopular speech face it's own consequences. It was further escalated by an email a teacher replied-all to, in response to a campus wide email asking people to choose their Halloween costumes wisely as many could be perceived as racist or worse...sexy. The teacher's response explained that (paraphrasing) "you're all adults. Dress how you want, you don't need your hand held anymore.".

This incited outrage and more demonstrations by the BLM movement. At one point a professor or president or someone important drove their car through their protest and was blocked to pass by the protesters. The prof slowly drove his car through as people stood in front of the car's path. The students claimed he "hit a student with his car" and he needed to admin his white male privilege and resign and hire more black faculty.

He refused. This caused larger protests and demonstrations in which a member of the media had been bullied into leaving by the protestors who were in their safe space. A professor initiated this ejection of the media member and I believe she was found not guilty on 3rd degree assault and did definitely lose her job.

Meanwhile the leader of the BLM movement at Missu's father is a multimillionaire.

It's my opinion that this generation has no clear struggle. I'd say income equality is but that's a lesson a lot will learn once their out of school. These kids appear to have all the opportunity in the world but need a cause to fight for. So they hop on the social justice bandwagon and claim 'oppression' when they're the most privileged generation in history.
I don't have an issue with "participation" trophies. Winners/Champions should receive a bigger/better trophy, but participation trophies/ribbons date all the way back to my childhood days (c. 1970s). Kids deserve a "Good Job" for giving their best efforts.

I've been on that losing team. I've been on the Championship team. I've been on the teams in between. I can tell you, showing to every practice was playfully-easy the championship year, and a fucking grind during the 2-16 year. I built more character (ie you really cannot tilt me) during that down year. That tiny trophy was a constant reminder to the pre-teen me...

"Suck it up. Work hard, and you will be rewarded, even though your teammates/co-workers suck."

Believe me, I've dealt with a LOT of co-workers that suck. My employers should give me a trophy...
Also worth mentioning are parents who browbeat teachers to give their precious offspring higher grades, a populace that expects teachers to parent their kids, and trophies given to kids just for showing up.

Ranting feel gooooooood!

Oh....don't get me started! I work at Marshmallow Middle School. The parents just complain, then the admin gets on you. No standards here, they just want happy customers at this company school.
I don't have an issue with "participation" trophies. Winners/Champions should receive a bigger/better trophy, but participation trophies/ribbons date all the way back to my childhood days (c. 1970s). Kids deserve a "Good Job" for giving their best efforts.

I've been on that losing team. I've been on the Championship team. I've been on the teams in between. I can tell you, showing to every practice was playfully-easy the championship year, and a fucking grind during the 2-16 year. I built more character (ie you really cannot tilt me) during that down year. That tiny trophy was a constant reminder to the pre-teen me...

"Suck it up. Work hard, and you will be rewarded, even though your teammates/co-workers suck."

Believe me, I've dealt with a LOT of co-workers that suck. My employers should give me a trophy...

Here is a good bumper sticker for the non-champions - "Second Place Is The First Loser." ...just kidding Zombie!
I don't have an issue with "participation" trophies. Winners/Champions should receive a bigger/better trophy, but participation trophies/ribbons date all the way back to my childhood days (c. 1970s). Kids deserve a "Good Job" for giving their best efforts.

I've been on that losing team. I've been on the Championship team. I've been on the teams in between. I can tell you, showing to every practice was playfully-easy the championship year, and a fucking grind during the 2-16 year. I built more character (ie you really cannot tilt me) during that down year. That tiny trophy was a constant reminder to the pre-teen me...

"Suck it up. Work hard, and you will be rewarded, even though your teammates/co-workers suck."

Believe me, I've dealt with a LOT of co-workers that suck. My employers should give me a trophy...
Someone at some point in your life instilled that value in you and you learned a lesson and saw the meaning of that participation trophy. I don't think kids are getting those same life lessons today.
This is exactly what the people in power want, division.

They want to pit us against one another, to blame one group or the other over the problems facing us.

It's all the [Millenials/Immigrants/Poor People/Minorities/Muslims/People Who Eat Gluten] fault!

Our government and media are controlled by super wealthy and super powerful corporations. We are fed a daily dose of extremist views from one side or another, and we fall into the trap of painting with broad strokes about one segment of our population or another. There are plenty of Millenials that are great people, and there are plenty who suck, the same goes for any other generation, ethnicity, religious group, etc.

As long as we continue to point the fingers at one another they will continue the long game of getting us used to being more dependent and obedient to our government. Small changes over time, start the pan cold and slowly turn up the heat to cook the frog
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Here is a good bumper sticker for the non-champions - "Second Place Is The First Loser." ...just kidding Zombie!

You missed the Hitching Post Main Event posts... I was the 49th-First loser. I wear my participant-trophy shirt proudly to declare that I lost my ass at the Hitching Post".

"Suck it up. Work hard, and you will be rewarded, even though 3-of-a-kinds suck."

Side note: I wore the H.P. shirt at my next tournament, and binked it!
I put the blame squarely on the shoulders of the parents who raise self-centered, egotistical, entitled brats with no sense of responsibility who think that they deserve everything their little hearts desire without having to work for it.

Sometimes kids just turn out that way no matter how they are raised. Anyone that knows me knows that I did not raise my kids this way. I believe in working hard for what you get in life. I didn't buy my kids cars, phones, college, ect......As they would prove to me that they are hard workers, respectful, trying to do the right thing, ect....then we increase what we can and will do for them.

I say this because both of my daughters went through a horrible self centered entitled bullshit period of their lives. Especially my oldest daughter. From 15-22 I didn't like her. Hell, I threw her out of my house twice. Once at 18 and then again at 20.

I was completely baffled by her behavior because that wasn't how we raised them. However, she came out of it and came to her senses. At 26 years old she is awesome. Working hard at getting her degree, supporting herself, repeatedly telling us that she should have listened to what we were saying :)

Sometimes they turn into little shits. Stay your ground and hopefully they will see the light.
You missed the Hitching Post Main Event posts... I was the 49th-First loser. I wear my participant-trophy shirt proudly to declare that I lost my ass at the Hitching Post".

"Suck it up. Work hard, and you will be rewarded, even though 3-of-a-kinds suck."

Side note: I wore the H.P. shirt at my next tournament, and binked it!
You were due some run good after being stabbed in the back by flopped Hold Em sets for three days straight!
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I say this because both of my daughters went through a horrible self centered entitled bullshit period of their lives.
I have a 14 year old boy who is going through this right now. It's brutal.

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