Lets Rant and hate on Millenials!!?!??!?! (2 Viewers)

What they need to realize is that they're also oppressing others.
My take is, in this day and age, anyone who can be oppresses by language rather than actions, is choosing to be oppressed. Anyone who takes action because of someone else's language is so flawed, they would have acted wrongly/stupidly eventually without outside influence.
My take is, in this day and age, anyone who can be oppresses by language rather than actions, is choosing to be oppressed. Anyone who takes action because of someone else's language is so flawed, they would have acted wrongly/stupidly eventually without outside influence.

So if I call you a fucking idiot, you don't feel defensive? How about if a whole group of us start calling you a fucking idiot? What if it's the majority of the country calling you a fucking idiot? How long before your boss says "I'm not going to promote a fucking idiot"?

What if your fucking idiocy was determined by your race, gender, age, religion, or sexual preference?

Language does hurt. It is a tool in oppression.
So if I call you a fucking idiot, you don't feel defensive?

I'd giggle.

How about if a whole group of us start calling you a fucking idiot?

Pretty sure that happens now. I'd cackle.

What if it's the majority of the country calling you a fucking idiot?

This hasn't happened, but it's good for one to have aspirations.

How long before your boss says "I'm not going to promote a fucking idiot"?

Insert "Dickhead" in lieu of "Idiot" and I'm pretty sure this has already happened

What if your fucking idiocy was determined by your race, gender, age, religion, or sexual preference?

Now that's not cool. I want my idiocy to be recognized as the fruit of my hard work, focus, and dedication to my craft. I do not want people to diminish or enhance my idiocy just because I'm an adult female orange half-ogre pagan who enjoys copulating with small electrical appliances.

Language does hurt. It is a tool in oppression.

Only if you let it.
For a male I'm VERY short. People make comments on it all the time. I can choose to let it bother me, or I can own it, own the word and not let it bother me. I choose to not let it bother me.

Good post Anthony Martino. I can vouch for him, for what it's worth. He's incredibly short, like he got repeatedly shot with a shrink ray.
I love how the "rant on millennials" thread derailed in like three seconds.

Way to show those kids how to focus!
I think the Gen-X thread might need to be just a collection of passive-aggressive one liners.
So if I call you a fucking idiot, you don't feel defensive? How about if a whole group of us start calling you a fucking idiot? What if it's the majority of the country calling you a fucking idiot? How long before your boss says "I'm not going to promote a fucking idiot"?

What if your fucking idiocy was determined by your race, gender, age, religion, or sexual preference?

Language does hurt. It is a tool in oppression.
I guess I just had better parenting. You are calling me an idiot right now and I can tell you honestly I feel no offense. Even if you did it too my face, no difference. I've had multitudes call me things similar to idiot. No effect. If the unqualified can use the court system to get ahead, a qualified employee who has been mischaracterized as an idiot can too.
Too long, didn't watch. Poor cell phone video sound, and a bunch of people yelling. I think the fat girl wanted free speech, and maybe a bucket of chicken. I didn't have one, so I stopped watching.

While I think poker players are less sensitive, to claim the cure to hate speech is to have better parenting - on the victim's side - is just mind-blowing stupidity. I have dealt, first hand, with victims that have committed suicide because of bullying. Words - not physical bullying. You have the gall to say that better parenting would have prevented the suicide? You should become a psychologist. You'd make a fortune telling grieving parents that it was their fault that their child took the name calling wrong because words don't hurt.

You could lobby congress too. Tell them it's ok to post signs telling a certain class to sit in the back of the bus - They're just words, we'll let them sit anywhere, but we should be allowed harass them if they do - because words don't hurt.

. Anyone who takes action because of someone else's language is so flawed, they would have acted wrongly/stupidly eventually without outside influence.

If your boss tells you you will not get a promotion, because you're a man, you should be ok with that too. After all, they would have acted wrongly anyway - so telling you you are unpromotable based on your gender is doing you a favor.
My take is, in this day and age, anyone who can be oppresses by language rather than actions, is choosing to be oppressed. Anyone who takes action because of someone else's language is so flawed, they would have acted wrongly/stupidly eventually without outside influence.

I'm not sure this is true. Being verbally assaulted takes a toll on people. It's not great for your mental health. If you're constantly barraged by inflammatory language directed at you in some way, it can have a very real impact on your emotional state that might not be there otherwise.
Does anyone have any pics of a black TH&C chip with a 4 spot (418, 414, 412 etc.)
Looking for 100 to use in a relabel project.

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