Luobao Ceramic Poker Chips (2 Viewers)


New Member
Oct 17, 2024
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Queens, NY
Hi all,

New member here first post! I've been playing poker nights with my friends for going on six years now. Historically we used dice chips or whatever cheap sets we had around the house. We play dealer's choice 5c10c with typically a $2 buy in, so nothing crazy. Just hanging with the boys, which is a really fun thing to keep going with the guys while we're all very busy moving, getting married, working etc compared to when our poker nights started in college. This year I got interested in getting a "nice" set of chips and wanted to try some with denominations. I got some samples of milanos, outlaws, horseshoe casino, nexgen pro classic, nexgen remix, a few shitty no brand suited and super diamond iron slugs, Card Wars ceramics, and slowplay Godel "clay" and ceramics sample. I even looked at some old, old chips on eBay like the ES Lowe horse and jockey chips and some Paranoid chips. The paranoids were really cool but I couldn't find enough of any one design to make a set (I'm keeping them as a collectable thing though). At first, I really liked the Milanos but I'm planning a wedding and I didn't want to pay more than ~$150 for a 500 set to cover any games we would have. I found after fidgeting with them all for a while that the ceramics sound, colors, and feel were my favorite, but all of the options were far too expensive.

Initially, I really liked the Nexgen Remix as well and these were in my price range. The look of the outlaws was cool but I found the 14g to be way too heavy for me and were unpleasant, and something about the iron slug sound when softly shuffling really made my ears unhappy. I was *this* close to buying a set of the nexgens, and just decided to slough through amazon on a whim before I pulled the trigger. I wound up stumbling onto a listing for Monte Carlo Chips from a company called "Luobao". I was just peeking because I already knew I wasn't a fan of the Monte Carlo designs and the 14g/iron slug wasn't for me. However, I did notice that they had a ceramics options listed for 300/$44. Funny enough the ceramics don't ever come up on amazon search no mater what I search for, only the monte carlo 14g variant in the same listing. They were sorta hidden.


They had two design options for the ceramics, I tried option B for a test based on vibes alone and also they had some funky colors you don't see a lot for denominations like the bubblegum pink 1's and tan 5's. I decided to give them a shot and ended up buying buying a pack. After thoroughly testing and enjoying them, I got two more packs for 900 total since the listing said there were only 5 in stock and didn't want to miss out by someone else stumbling upon the listing. I'm a bit of a newby to anything nicer than dice chips so others may not like them as much as I do, but here are my opinions and observations. Total was 44*3, $132 total before tax and shipping.

Some pictures included. I compared a lot to the Card Wars chips. I haven't gotten to weigh them yet, but the Luobao feel ever so slightly minimally heavier when I hold a stack of 12. Based on what I can feel and see, they are the same diameter and thickness. They sound very similar as well though the Card Wars do seem to have a "clinkier" sound while the Luobao have a smidge more "clacky" sound, which I like. The outer edge feels smooth like the Card Wars and the face feels similarly textured perhaps a bit more corse than the Card Wars' matte feel. In stacking, I haven't had any issues with integrity. There are a few spinners as I understand what the term is, but nothing I would've noticed if I didn't specifically check for. Stacks generally stay stacked if I move them around. If I pick up a stack and put pressure on the top and bottom of the stack I can't get them to rock or shift so I'm estimating flatness is very good. The dimple on the side is about the same as the Card Wars. If you look at the dimples comparison picture the Luobao do have a sort of "lip" coming off the face of either side that I can feel if I check for it with my fingernail but when they're on the table and not held up to your face it's imperceivable. I'll need to get a case (soon-to-be-wife says she'll get me one for christmas :D). While they're just kinda hanging out in the amazon box and I've been playing around with them, I have noticed one with a chip on the edge. I'm not sure if it came like that or if I did it, if I can find it I'll add a picture. We'll see how they hold up after the first game. I'll alsosee how the printing holds up as I've heard of some chinese ceramics (which I'm assuming these are) can tend to fade.

The denominations included in the set of 300 were 75x1 75x5 75x

The only real gripe I have with them is the omission of a 25 chip in lieu of a 10, but for the price I think I can overlook that. The plastic sleeves they came packaged in felt like very cheep and brittle plastic. Out of all three packs two out of thirty-six sleeves broke open in transit but no chips were missing per my count and to the best of my knowledge none were damaged.

Just wanted to share and see what you all think. My requirements for a set were a good feel and sound, definitely a good shuffle because I like to fiddle with them at my desk, clear denominations, a white center because I like that look, and a simple design. These checked all the boxes and being ~13 cents a chip I felt like a found a great deal, especially considering, in my minimally educated opinion, they're comparable to other ceramic chips I've checked out which go for almost $1/chip.

I can post other pictures or media if anyone would like to see.


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oops :
denominations were 75x1 75x5 75x10 25x50 25x100 25x500

Odd denom breakdown but will probably be fine for me

Cool set! You're right that 13cents/chip can't be beat, these are very cheap very low quality chips and that's fine, life's good. I hope they age well, sometimes they start stacking well but quickly become wobbly with use. The link says there's a clay layer, I really doubt there's any clay involved lol.

For many of us, we want different breakdowns and more efficient chips, preferring something more like 100x5c/200x25c/200x$1s etc, but whatever works. You've come to the right place if you ever want to upgrade!
Inexpensive low-quality ceramics from China -- very likely to be brittle and prone to breakage and chipping, contain a lot of spinners (either initially, after getting worn during play, or both), but reasonably-priced at 13c/chip.

Printing seems above average, but no 25 denom is a serious negative for any chip set breakdown using the other denoms. I do think it's a simple-but-decent chip face design with, uh, entertaining color choices.

This set could have been sooooo much better with a bit of pre-production guidance.

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