I personally would choose the Majestics, but as some others have mentioned it really comes down to your personal preference. Since you are getting samples, just play around with them for a few days and you should have a good feeling about which you would prefer to own a set of. I personally ordered a few sample sets, along with stopping in Vegas to check out some new and used Paulson's, as well as some CC Dunes, and a few other ceramics. I figured Paulson's were out of my budget for the time being, and narrowed my choices down to the Majestics or Milanos. I just decided to go with a set of Milanos and am sure I will be happy with the choice. Although, I can already tell that I will have my eye on other chips soon after! I used to browse Chiptalk, Home Poker Tourney, and I believe PCF years ago, but really never ended up purchasing a decent full set of chips. I wish I had pulled the trigger on Paulson's back then, but hey the interest is back, and I've enjoyed browsing these forums and getting advice on which set to buy. The Majestics are very nice, I have never played with Pharoahs, but my preference for design is with the Majestic's and they feel great and look great imo.