Matsui WPS Horseshoe Style GB #2 - ORDER THREAD - CLOSED (5 Viewers)

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Freight was quoted at $2380 to me. @ekricket was going to do the re-shipping, but I'll just do it. I already have the Importer Form 5106 on file with DHS Customs and Border Protection too. I'm going to be charged import taxes again. Last order was $34. This order is more than twice as big so I will add $68 to cover it.

The Matsui artwork fee for the T5 was $200 (not $300) and the under 500 minimum surcharge for the T25K v1 was waived.
I'm going to figure out re-shipping for all orders so its just one payment per order which will help with the PayPal tax reporting quota.

So total fees on this order is $2668.
  • Matsui Artwork Fee $200
  • Shipping Fee $2,380
  • J5 Artwork $20
  • Customs Taxes $68
About 13 cent per chip. So $1.33 per chip plus re-shipping to you.
Lead time is 4 -5 weeks after full payment is made to Matsui.

I'll start sending out payment PMs tomorrow.
Love upside surprises!
All payment PMs have been sent.
I think we need more pictures of the chips from the first group buy .... just to make it more exciting :tup: (seeing some of the pics convinced me to get more chips)
27 of 41 payments received in 24 hrs. At this rate the order should be in by the end of next week.
Just had someone back out so there may be a delay now. Need to get these 600 chips claimed. Anyone want to add on to their order?

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