I'm probably an outlier, but I have to say that I don't like edge spots on plaques, period.
Plaques are much more exotic and impactful than chipsand IMO spots don't help in that regard. They're an element of chips, which cheapens them for use on plaques.
Ask and though shall receive.....View attachment 692319
Here's what one would look like without edge spots. Not gonna lie, it's very simple but effective.
Also I am going to ask to see the $12's with the denomination in orchid since we didn't use it for the 5's, keeping everything else as is.
inOkay, everyone. The orchid 500's are IN and ready to ship to the people who have asked for them.
I have 225 of these chips:
-25 goes to the girls at the Tilted Kilt
-100 goes to @Ben8257 (25 of them will be a gift to Brie)
-61 goes to @sheikh617 who wants the secondaries as an alternate for his primaries
That's 186 which leaves me with 39. I will keep one roll (-25) for myself.
14 chips will be given out to people who want samples or those who have been there with me through it all.
reverse the coloursView attachment 692342
The 12 is actually an effective chip and the clock does make it stand out. I think we should reverse the denomination and the diamond colors, what do you all think? (i.e. the $12 should be the orchid color and the diamond should be the darker purple?)
That's pretty sweet to me!View attachment 692319
Here's what one would look like without edge spots. Not gonna lie, it's very simple but effective.
disagree with 1. I would consider making a 3rd pink strip in the spot to liven the chip up a bit. too much white at the moment. maybe use three dots as the pattern instead of the oval?Here's my thoughts on this round.
1. Change the edgespots on the nickel so that the two lines are over the amount rather than the spots.
2. This is an interesting recommendation -- the $25 chip's spot should be a triangle that faces up towards the spots. That might work better with the dollar since in that case the triangles would point towards the edgespots.
Got a pic?I found out the 12 spots are impractical because of the nature of a clock. You might see that a 6 is upside down when it goes around
Looks great. Any chance of seeing a variation of the denom and shape swapped position?
Put it to a lineup vote
Put it to a lineup vote