Milano Nickels - interest? (1 Viewer)

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Aug 13, 2015
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So I've been in contact with Brybelly, as they own the Milano chip, because I've really fallen in love with these chips. True customs are more than I can stomach for the time being, but I'd like to have nice chips to use for some home games and tournaments I'm beginning to run. Long story short, I need to get a rack or two of nickel chips in a cash set I build, and there isn't one in the Milano lineup.

I contacted Brybelly to see about getting permission to have a nickel mockup label made, and failing that, the cost of getting a nickel chip done by them as a semi-custom.

The response I got was that they won't release the art or produce JUST a label for the nickel, so we'd have to decide on the base color of the chip.

I've been putting together combinations with my sample set and I think I have it down to two options that make the most sense from my perspective, dark blue ($10) or pink ($5000). Here are what a $0.05 - $25 set would look like with these options. I have some other combos I took pictures of, with other colors, if people are interested in seeing how they stack up.

So, who's interested in Milano nickels? The pricing I got quotes was .69 per chip for quantities of 500-999 and .63 per chip for 1000 - 1999. If there's enough interest I'll work out shipping costs and such to get a final cost per chip.


So I've been in contact with Brybelly, as they own the Milano chip, because I've really fallen in love with these chips. True customs are more than I can stomach for the time being, but I'd like to have nice chips to use for some home games and tournaments I'm beginning to run. Long story short, I need to get a rack or two of nickel chips in a cash set I build, and there isn't one in the Milano lineup.

I contacted Brybelly to see about getting permission to have a nickel mockup label made, and failing that, the cost of getting a nickel chip done by them as a semi-custom.

The response I got was that they won't release the art or produce JUST a label for the nickel, so we'd have to decide on the base color of the chip.

I've been putting together combinations with my sample set and I think I have it down to two options that make the most sense from my perspective, dark blue ($10) or pink ($5000). Here are what a $0.05 - $25 set would look like with these options. I have some other combos I took pictures of, with other colors, if people are interested in seeing how they stack up.

So, who's interested in Milano nickels? The pricing I got quotes was .69 per chip for quantities of 500-999 and .63 per chip for 1000 - 1999. If there's enough interest I'll work out shipping costs and such to get a final cost per chip.


Wish I had saw this earlier but I just joined a few days ago. I am interested in this... PM me if you need any additional info.
I might also be interested in this, having no nickel has had me looking at other options. I love the pink chip.

As an aside, does no one have a problem with the brown chip? This is such a popular set but brown chips just look bad to me. Most sets I have seen do not include them.
I actually have really liked the brown quarter.

The pink and dark blue were neck and neck for me in figuring out the best color for a nickel.
I like a nice deep brown chocolate chip. The spots on the Milano brown kind of throw it off though. Sad, really. All it needed was a little pop.
I've never oiled my Milanos. I was concerned that china clay would not soak the oil, leaving a messy chip. Since they have been relegated to "travel set" the desire to even wash them is minimal to nonexistent.
I oiled them before those pics were taken. they actually look a lot nicer in person and the oil makes a HUGE difference.

If they're anything like the pharaohs, they will take the oil quite well. If anything, some of my pharaohs want more oil after having sat for a few weeks since initial light oiling.
The Milanos (and Pharaohs) definitely benefit from oiling. However, they can lose a little of their vibrance over time.
The Milanos (and Pharaohs) definitely benefit from oiling. However, they can lose a little of their vibrance over time.
Well gentlemen, I decided to start oiling my Milanos with a little Johnson & Johnson baby oil and I can tell you first hand after 24 hours they look a thousand times richer and definitely absorbed the oil that I put on the faces and side. I am very impressed.

I also noticed the slight fragrance dissipated greatly after a day leaving that smooth sheen I was looking for behind. The purple 500s, black 100s and red 5s benefited the most. The black looks like a brand new chip that's more expensive.

I think Johnson and Johnson should release a new line of oil called "No More Tears...... For Your Chalky China Clays".

"Revitalize, Renew, Reinvigorate while adding a light baby bottom fragrance to your investment. Turn your chip from Pouty Poor to Paulson Pretty today!"
I think the idea now is to mock up a nickel label and order blanks from Apache.

Just something to think about...I believe both PGI and Apache only offer limited colors in blanks (see below). Seeing as these labels are just stickers, you could certainly peel off labels from any color and put you nickel labels on after, but that might be more work than some people want.

Milano Blanks.JPG
Just something to think about...I believe both PGI and Apache only offer limited colors in blanks (see below). Seeing as these labels are just stickers, you could certainly peel off labels from any color and put you nickel labels on after, but that might be more work than some people want.

View attachment 21075
Damn, they don't have orange.
Milano blanks were my first choice for cheap clays. I even drove to Brybelly (in Florida) to (naively) see if I could get them to jack some from the assembly line, because the color choices on blanks are so lousy. As you all know, Brybelly is little more than a call center and a warehouse. It was even cheaper for me to go back home to Tennessee and order my Milanos, since sales tax was more than shipping.

Still a good experience, and if I ever go to China...
Yeah the problem with this project ended up being that Brybelly's price per chip is kinda high at .69 for anything under 1k chips, and everyone would have to agree on what color to buy. I'd really only be in for 200 (REALLY i only need a rack, but in the interest of hitting the minimum) and would probably want pink, since i think that has a slight edge over the blue.

In reality, anyone who wants this is really probably better off doing a semi-custom relabel project with either milano blanks or relabeling some of the stock options. Depending on labels, you canend up getting a very semi custom chip (as the milano base chips are pretty nice) for under .50/chip. It's REAL tough to beat that if you want non standard denoms/colors.
How did you contact Brybelly about this? I want to put together a set with 250 $1000 chips, but in blue instead of yellow. Any idea if they can/would sell 250 of the stock $1000 labels for less than it would cost to buy an extra 250 $10 chips for a label swap? Or anyone interested in 250 yellow $10 (or blank) chips :-)
How did you contact Brybelly about this? I want to put together a set with 250 $1000 chips, but in blue instead of yellow. Any idea if they can/would sell 250 of the stock $1000 labels for less than it would cost to buy an extra 250 $10 chips for a label swap? Or anyone interested in 250 yellow $10 (or blank) chips :)
Contact @Gear on this forum and he can make you labels.

I got 500 labels from him for 5c Milanos that I'm using on the light blue $50 dollar chip.

Yes I popped off 500 labels. Took about a day.
Contact @Gear on this forum and he can make you labels.

I got 500 labels from him for 5c Milanos that I'm using on the light blue $50 dollar chip.

Yes I popped off 500 labels. Took about a day.

Sweet, is there any noticeable difference between the stock labels and your nickels?
Did you get custom labels sorted out for this project?
Cool thanks. Why you selling them?
Well, I might be and I might not be.

I am not sure.

Basically, I have reached about 13,000 chips total and I have about 7 cash sets and 7 tournament sets.

Despite how awesome my little Milano cash set is, it's never seen any play
I even put up my CPC Key West chips for sale but am experiencing a little bit of sellers remorse and might remove it soon.
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