I feel that. Shipping and receiving is a pain in the ass with Canada Post. I never see anything on the tracking things except when it's left the sender and when it's ready to be picked up at the post office.
USPS is way better for the consumer: 6 day delivery, free priority shipping boxes, packing stations with free tape, bubble wrap etc. at post offices (is this really true?), discounts for using Paypal/
eBay. Obviously they're factors; however big; in why they're operating at crazy losses most years. Actually maybe per capita it's less crazy than I think but it really isn't feasible to serve the entire population of Canada while offering similar services to what USPS does. I wish they'd bring back flat rate boxes and give us packing stations with the free stuff but that will never happen.
I don't think privatization is the answer either. I think
if Canada Post ever privatized it's very likely we'd just get similar service at a higher price, sort of like Pokerstars. But this whole post is way off topic.