Canceled Mint CLEVELAND & CINCI Secondary (1 Viewer)

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High Hand
Apr 29, 2020
Reaction score
Littleton, CO
Rating - 100%
1   0   0
Reluctant to sell my Cinci, but have par'd it with my Cleveland for sale minus a few chips - the Cinci set is short 15 - 1k chips and 20 25k chips compared to the Cleveland; otherwise, all chips are mint and ready for play

Happy Father's day!

Cleveland secondary
$25 - 240
$100 - 240
$500 - 120
$1k - 60
$5k - 20
$25k - 20

Cinci secondary
$25 - 240
$100 ‐ 240
$500 - 120
$1k - 45
$5k - 20
$25k - 0


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If I recall - before you bought the whole set - we had most of it covered...if not all of it.....
If I recall - before you bought the whole set - we had most of it covered...if not all of it.....
Yes, I got excited when I saw the set and submitted an offer b/c I thought it was the completion to my 'Cinci' set. But after comparing the 5k chips a little closer, I realized my mistake. Another lesson learned the hard way :banghead:
Yes, I got excited when I saw the set and submitted an offer b/c I thought it was the completion to my 'Cinci' set. But after comparing the 5k chips a little closer, I realized my mistake. Another lesson learned the hard way :banghead:
I have a rack of secondary Cinci $1,000 - that I would trade for secondary Cleve - but must be unused or mint condition...
I have a rack of secondary Cinci $1,000 - that I would trade for secondary Cleve - but must be unused or mint condition...
Can you PM me with the trade you'd like? I'm mainly looking for 3 barrel of 1k & 5k and a barrel of 25k chips - cinci secondary. These chips are all mint from @Brandon
Recently purchased this awesome set from (Brandon) but have to sell to buy the 'grail-set' that is calling me!

Listing these at cost - $3,200, now $3,000. Ideally, I am not keen to a split, unless all accounted for.

Only taken out of the box for this photo. Will Fedex w/insurance.

LMK if I left anything out as this is my first sale.

$25 - 240
$100 - 240
$500 - 120
$1k - 60
$5k - 20
$25k - 20
Dibs on 5k if no one has it. And if they do back up.
In a split, Are the Cleveland 1ks still available? If split, I would be interested in them depending on price. Let me know.
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