For Sale Misc TRKs (Riverside Reno, Kings Crown, ETD, Suicide King Club) (1 Viewer)

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Full House
Jun 6, 2020
Reaction score
Las Vegas
Rating - 100%
31   0   0
Some more TRKs for sale that I'd love for others to have! Let me know if you have any questions!

Main shipping method would be USPS. If you'd like to have things shipped internationally please let me know. We would just have to figure out shipping at that point. Insurance can be added if the buyer would like it (at no charge).

If there are any questions or if anyone would like more pictures let me know.

Payment via PayPal F&F.

Lot 1: Suicide King Club $5000 x8 - $160


Lot 2: ETD Mix of $1s and $100s (15 total chips) - $120 $85
These are extremely heavy...


Lot 3: Riverside Reno Set of 2 $25 Brown Tri-moon Chips - $50


Lot 4: Kings Crown Fantasy Set - $20 $15



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Elliot you have hundreds of these…do you have to have every one ever made? How bout let some sample sets exist so other people can enjoy them? This goes for every one of you guys and gals with monster sets trying to corner the world supply. Fuck man #FREETHESAMPLESETS
Elliot you have hundreds of these…do you have to have every one ever made? How bout let some sample sets exist so other people can enjoy them? This goes for every one of you guys and gals with monster sets trying to corner the world supply. Fuck man #FREETHESAMPLESETS

I have no idea what you're talking about E!
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Believe it or not Mel there are other female collectors besides you with great chips. That was more of a general statement. That being said most collectors are either one of two camps

Camp A- Set owner of desirable or rare chips decides they need to have EVERY denomination when made available. Calls universal dibs on every chip when available for sale and will get mad if someone other than himself / herself attains one.

Camp B - Set owner of desirable or rare chips is super stoked to have what they have and are always looking to add on…but doesn’t think they have the RIGHT to every one of these chips when they come up for sale. Is willing to compete in the open market and will even say something like “nice catch” if someone purchases it before them,

I guess everyone should ask themselves what camp they are? It would be nice if we were all in n the more generous camp.

I spoke with Eli and he was just being cheeky. But it does touch a nerve with me and this “ Universal Dibs” mentality

Sorry to derail your post Oscar.
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Believe it or not Mel there are other female collectors besides you with great chips.

Obviously didn't think I was the only female collector with awesome chips! I was just being silly.

…do you have to have every one ever made?

Because I feel like this describes me, trying to finish racks/barrels one chip at a time. Do I need EVERY chip? Obviously no. But it certainly FEELS like that, when trying to finish racks/barrels one chip at a time!
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I have no idea what’s going on in this thread, E#1, as I’ve been on conference calls all day and away from PCF since I posted that I’d take the Suicide Kings (of which I don’t have a set at all). I did post an angry emoji in your dibs post, but it was only intended as “you beat me to it” in the most harmless way possible.

I’m definitely in Camp B.

Nice catch! :tup:
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