Call. “two hundred fifty thousand” is an undercall. It doesn't have any other meaning. What he does afterward should be irrelevant since modern tournament poker rules does not consider "intent" anymore.
If he left out the word "thousand" and only said "two hundred fifty," maybe WSOP Rule 60 might apply since in some non-English languages "two hundred fifty myriad" means 2,500,000. However, I still think it'll still be ruled call since 2.5m exceeds the size of the pot.
I don't have pokergo. What was the ruling?
If he left out the word "thousand" and only said "two hundred fifty," maybe WSOP Rule 60 might apply since in some non-English languages "two hundred fifty myriad" means 2,500,000. However, I still think it'll still be ruled call since 2.5m exceeds the size of the pot.
Rule 60. Non-Standard and Unclear Betting: Participants use unofficial betting terms and gestures at their own risk. Whenever the size of a declared bet can reasonably have multiple meanings, the bet will be valued at the largest amount possible that does not exceed the value of the pot. Example: Blinds are 200-400 and the first player to act on the flop throws out a 5K chip and announces “Five”. If the amount of the pot at this time is less than 5,000, the bet will be 500. If the amount of the pot is 5K or more, the bet will be 5,000.
Rule 93.f.2. A player undercalls by declaring or pushing out less than the call amount without first declaring “call”.
I don't have pokergo. What was the ruling?