For Sale Moving... Leftover SALE (3 Viewers)

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Found some more stuff. Someone interested?

270x $500 Outpost Labels
200x $1000 Outpost Labels
Will fit Paulson THC
10€ all



Dragonara beauties...
Please make offer

Good morning fellas and buyers... I am on business trip to cologne until friday. If i don't answer mails or react on questions please no worries! I will do it on friday or saturday. Have a great week!
I’ll take those labels if you can throw it in with someone else’s order. @FordPickup92 maybe?
If the package hasn't gone out I dont think she would have any problem re shipping them to you @BarrieJ3 always willing to help! Even though I hate speaking for her, she has an absolute heart if gold!! Your buddy fellow chipper Ben
gkitt80 PAID
1xPCA db
1xAztar db
1x PCA cutcard PS
1x PCA cutcard BS
1x Aztar cutcard PS
1x Aztar cutcard PS

@hippieartworks, just syncing up our PMs with this post - I believe the cut card sizes in your post are wrong (both PCA cut cards should be PS). No rush, just want to avoid a mixup before you shipped. Thanks again!
If the package hasn't gone out I dont think she would have any problem re shipping them to you @BarrieJ3 always willing to help! Even though I hate speaking for her, she has an absolute heart if gold!! Your buddy fellow chipper Ben
Okay you two, it’s dads night at the school. Which means no phone for me so my son thinks I love him more than fantasy football and poker chips.

Stay frosty! Individual barrels of standard or Cali colored THC (no solids) and customs either reasonably priced or sold by original maker. Finders fee paid in the form of naming my third child Brie or Ben. Thanks.
@hippieartworks, just syncing up our PMs with this post - I believe the cut card sizes in your post are wrong (both PCA cut cards should be PS). No rush, just want to avoid a mixup before you shipped. Thanks again!
Yeah and mine is wrong too because I wanted a BS and a PS and he has 2 PS listed on mine. Maybe he got our 2 requests mixed up?
Okay you two, it’s dads night at the school. Which means no phone for me so my son thinks I love him more than fantasy football and poker chips.

Stay frosty! Individual barrels of standard or Cali colored THC (no solids) and customs either reasonably priced or sold by original maker. Finders fee paid in the form of naming my third child Brie or Ben. Thanks.
Will keep an eye out
Hey Mark! Do you still have your printing gear from back in the day that you can pass down/sell into the community? Everyone has always raved about how your labels were well ahead of their time and would love to see that happen again!
I’ll take those labels if you can throw it in with someone else’s order. @FordPickup92 maybe?

I'ts ok for me. I just need a go from Brie! Please PM me

Any PCA stuff left?

PM sent

Interested in Empress cut cards and dealer buttons if there are any left.

PM sent

I'll take one National Poker Series (NPS) Dealer button. :tup:

PM sent

@hippieartworks, just syncing up our PMs with this post - I believe the cut card sizes in your post are wrong (both PCA cut cards should be PS). No rush, just want to avoid a mixup before you shipped. Thanks again!

My fail... Of course, you'll get what you want!

Yeah and mine is wrong too because I wanted a BS and a PS and he has 2 PS listed on mine. Maybe he got our 2 requests mixed up?

My fail.... Changed!

Hey Mark! Do you still have your printing gear from back in the day that you can pass down/sell into the community? Everyone has always raved about how your labels were well ahead of their time and would love to see that happen again!

Hi there...
I am happy you still like the labels. Unfortunataly i sold my printing stuff years ago!
So far:

Thomacetti PAID
1x PCA cutcard PS
1x PCA cutcard BS
2x GCOP sample set
1x GCR sample set
1x Silver dust (Paulson) sample set
1xGCR acrylic DB

mrplacey PAID
PNY show'em
PNY acrylic db
PNY cutcard PS
PNY cutcard BS
NPS sample set

Marhauld PAID
PCA acrylic db
2x PCA cutcard PS/BS
1x Outpost cutcard PS
1x Outpost cutcard BS
(1x Outpost acrylic db)

FordPickup92 PAID
PCA acrylic db
1x PCA Cutcard PS
1x PCA Cutcard BS
St'Joes db
Hungry Frog samples cash
Hungry Frog samples Tournament
2x BCC 47mm
BCC Silver dust samples
BCC Riverboat samples
BCC Mardi gras samples (it's just one with 12 chips ;))
ASM Rose Room samples
ASM Astro Lounge samples
ASM Bean Counter samples

Ambassador button

Surferb PAID
2x Dragonara cutcards
MGM acrylic db
1xAztar cutcard BS

Nuhockey PAID
Terribles cutcard (used)
Dunes cutcard (used)
1x GCR acrylic db
1x Dragonara cutcard PS
1x Empress cutcard PS
1x Empress cutcard BS
1x Empress acrylic db

ThinkingFold PAID
ASM Kings Club samples

Slisk250 GIFTED
Cliff's Basement chip (to Thomacetti)

PrOnAddict PAID
Paulson Zodiac samples
ASM Private Cardroom samples
ASM Rouge et Noir samples
ASM Chantara's samples
ASM Tournament samples
ASM Mortar Samples
BCC Castle samples
BCC Monterey samples
All Single chips

gkitt80 PAID
1xPCA db
1xAztar db
1x PCA cutcard PS
1x PCA cutcard PS
1x Aztar cutcard PS
1x Aztar cutcard PS

Marius L PAID
PCA acrylic db

Teach42 PAID
Empress acrylic db
2xEmpress cutcard PS
2xEmpress cutcard BS

PNY acrylic db
PNY cutcards (?)

intjester PAID
PCA acrylic DB
Empress acrylic
2x PCA cutcard PS
2x Empress cutcard PS

MGM Cutcard
Bourbon Street Cutcard
MGM acrylic DB
Bourbon Street acrylic DB
Bahamia acrylic DB
I'ts ok for me. I just need a go from Brie! Please PM me

PM sent

PM sent

PM sent

My fail... Of course, you'll get what you want!

My fail.... Changed!

Hi there...
I am happy you still like the labels. Unfortunataly i sold my printing stuff years ago!
Fine by me go ahead
All stuff is shipped (expect one) and on your way! A few cutcards and acrylic dealer buttons are still available. Please ask! Furthermore all chips are still available! I don't need them! Please make me an offer.
All stuff is shipped (expect one) and on your way! A few cutcards and acrylic dealer buttons are still available. Please ask! Furthermore all chips are still available! I don't need them! Please make me an offer.
Please don't let me be the "one", please don't let me be the "one", please don't let me be the "one", please don't let me be the "one"...
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