I'm just amazed ... always liked the solid chips ...
someday I'll order such ...
for that you sold aztar?
someday I'll order such ...
for that you sold aztar?

pity that they did not continue to work ...Don't remember if I ordered a sample set on CT or not (I think so), but don't wanna risk missing out on these beauties. Sign me up, please!
Colors and design are sorta reminiscent of the German-made Stralka chips, if anybody remembers those:
I absolutely want three of whatever buttons you have made. Leaving tomorrow morning and won't be back until Sunday so I won't be around much... Dot forget about meI will send a pm tomorrow to find out who wants one and who doesn't.
Here are a couple of pics that I took tonight. I will take some more tomorrow night. I plan to order dealer buttons on Thursday. I will send a pm tomorrow to find out who wants one and who doesn't.