Straight Flush
As you can see, I'm in need of some oil. Anyone know if "personal lubricant" works? Hahaha, otherwise I'm gonna have to make a trip to the ol' drug store... Enjoy

Gorgeous set. Bravo! Thank you for sharing shots of them.
Are the red and green chips minty fresh? The "faded" edges on them is how they look when new. It goes away as they get handled.
If that is the case, I would personally not bring a bottle of mineral oil within 10 feet of those chips. But I understand others feel differently about oiling.
Sick starter set Rainman. I will never not hate Pick Hobson's for having no $1 clay chip but damned if this isn't as good as you could do to supplement.
Actually, Pick Hobson used slot tokens. Crazy, eh? Spent all that money on gorgeous TRKs and cheapened out by not making $1s.Ya, it's too bad. But it goes really well with the set IMO. I assume they just had so many 1s left over from the original Riverside and/or Jessie Becks that they just kept those in play and got new higher denoms? idk
Actually, Pick Hobson used slot tokens. Crazy, eh? Spent all that money on gorgeous TRKs and cheapened out by not making $1s.