So after thinking about it most of the night andnchecking with a few other people I talk poker with, we all seem to think the jam on the flop was a bad play.
A UTG raise at a now full table is much stronger than when it was short handed. The raise with QQ is standard but to be 4 bet should be sending up hugenred flashing lights saying WARNING, PROCEED WITH CAUTION!!!!
I think calling the 4 bet is fine, if a Q comes off he could become the chip leader after all!
Flop comes great for any big PP 10 high with no draws.
UTG leads for 7M, this sizing is huge, 70% of the pot. It puts Mike in a very tough spot. If he calls the pot is 24M chips and he has less than a pot sized bet left. If he shoves only better hands are ever calling him. The only hand he is ahead of is AK really. And AK probably bets 1/3 to 1/2 pot on the flop.
All of this makes me think a fold is the best play. The real money implications are huge too. Moving up even 1 more spot is an extra $120k!!! The jumps from there are even bigger!!
With 22m chips he would have still been in the middle of the pack.
I think fatigue and pressure started to take their toll on him and when he gets some time to go back over the hand he will come to a similar conclusion.
It was an incredible run and I and the rest of our poker group are very proud of him!
One of the guys found this old picture from around 2011 when we used to get 50+ people for a tournament and cash game to follow every week in Lorain OH.
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