Found My Grand Vic Secondary $500s and $100s for your Primary $500, $100 or Secondary $25 (1 Viewer)

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Oct 31, 2014
Reaction score
Upriver From DCS
I've got 4 barrels of $500 and about 10 $100 Secondary Grand Vics that I would like to trade for Primary Vic $100, $500 or Secondary $25s.


I'm putting the value of the $500 @ $7.00, and the $100 @ $3.50.

I'm looking for 1 rack of primary $500 and 1 rack of $100. Cash can be included from either party to help the trade.
Harley, I have a bunch of secondary $25's and 40x $100s (secondary). Will check on primaries, but I think I've already sold 'em (except one $1000).

Def want the $500s. Let's make a deal!
Sounds good. I could use 2 racks of the 25s. What do you see their value as?
I am new to chip mania, and I can't see myself pulling the trigger at $7 or $10 per chip. Don't know if I'll ever get to your guys' level.
Not even close to being my most expensive chip(s). I'm sure H/Q is in the same boat, as are many around here.

Back when I first started looking at and buying high-end chips, I remember saying to a non-chipper friend that "Sure, Paulson chips are nice but I don't think they're worth $1+ each -- holy crap, that's over ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for a rack." LOLOL now when I think about it.
My wife is worry that I am getting into another expensive hobby. I don't dare tell her the exact cost of all these.
Harley, I only have 200 of the secondary $25's. Must have sold the other 40, along with 40 secondary $5's (can't find either one). I do have 40x secondary $100s if interested. And 300 Trops. :)
hi pm sent to both of you
i'm very interested in odd number of 5 25 100 500 secondary and 1000 primary gv chips you can have to sell
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