My Journey As A Professional Poker Player (26 Viewers)

UTG with :ah::ad::kc::5c:

It's straddled by MP to 10. A few callers, I juice to 25

Three callers then button reraises to 40 to "see how strong Anthony is"

One caller, I repot to 285

Maniac straddler shoves for 650 after he "checks his cards to make sure he still has bullshit"

Everyone folds but elderly station on my right who is all-in for less

We go twice, first board is won by maniac who has :td::8h::7h::4d: and rivers the bottom straight (guy who made it 40 and folded starts complaining he would've made the top straight)

Second board comes A272x and I win that half
In the BB with :kd::kh::7h::5c:

SB maniac raises to 20 (button straddle is 5)

I call

UTG+1 maniac raises to 90, SB calls, I call

Flop :ks::kc::2c:


We all check

Turn :4c:

SB bets 100, I call, original raiser folds

SB checks dark, folds to my 175 river bet

Had to settle for a small loss of $250 today. Game was really good, but unfortunately when you've got people straddling to $40 preflop and people trying to get it all-in pre with 4 or 5 hands going to war, the swings can be pretty big in either direction.

I managed to stay out of most of the fracas, saw a couple of real fish stack up to 3-4K each in the game, it'll keep them coming back and playing bad.

Next week I may show up in the afternoon instead of the morning, and play later into the evening. When I left there were five tables going and if I play that schedule I'll be able to put in more hours rather than trying to come home for supper with Jenn (I'll just have lunch with her instead, then head down)

Planning to play again Thursday morning at Luckys, hopefully they'll keep it PLO and not have NLHE in the mix. Worked the last time I was there so here's hoping :)
I love the “fracas,” it’s my sweet spot....

It's easy when you're 40bb deep. Less so when you're 250bb deep. My biggest edge is keeping pots manageable and seeing flops. Because equities change so drastically post-flop in PLO, it means my opponents are going to be making much larger mistakes post-flop.

If I give in all the time and play their game of 5 or 6-way all-ins preflop, it reduces my edge and increases variance. Yes, I stand to win some huge pots, but also stand to get stacked and have some really large losing sessions as well if I'm deep-stacked and so are they.

Today was a little wilder than it has been in a long time. We had two really action players that were constantly straddling preflop, plus a number of gambling fish willing to put their money in with J654 one suit, etc.
Ooch, flop of :ad::qs::8s:

We are on button straddle and three other players including maniac in the blinds

We hold :qh::qd::7s::2h:

They all check to us, we pot, maniac calls

Turn :4d:

He checks, we bet 120, he checkraises to 300, we call

River :5h:

He bets 500

I block the wheel draw, plus doesn't match with the flop. So I put him on either a missed draw, top 2 pair or a set of Aces

I make the call and he has AAxx lol

Oy vey, he's sitting on north of 10k right now. I was up $900 but now up $100, le sigh
Lol, raise pot pre with :as::ad::kd::7s:

Bunch of callers for 25

Flop :8c::4s::3d:

I pot 105 with 80 behind, one caller. I shove the rest blind

Turn :2c:, he calls, I'm drawing dead as he turns over :ts::6c::5s::3s: lol

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