You better start wearing your roller skates whenever you wander south of St. Pete, bucko.I mean, the dude was at LEAST 56
You better start wearing your roller skates whenever you wander south of St. Pete, bucko.I mean, the dude was at LEAST 56
And the doomsday clock (the clock that measures how far away the world is from another one of those parking lot strip shows) just moved forward one minute.Blinds 1k/2k/2k
CO makes it 6k, SB calls, we are in BB with
We raise to 22k. CO folds, SB shoves all-in and covers.
We wind up folding![]()
Should I the stage ready in the parking lot?We are in BB, blinds 2/4/4k
Big stack doofus minraises, two people call, we call 4k more with
That's about as good as we can jope, we shove 25k, big stack doofus calls, angry guy calls.
Turnbig stack check calls angrys 25k bet.
They check it, we hope they both missed draws but angry smooth called the preflop raise withand hit the turn. Out 21st, very close but no cigar
Tournament dealers in US will almost never have tournament chips in their tray during a tourney, except possibly at the beginning.Seems bush league to me to have players do colour ups at a casino. If timing is a problem then the dealer should be colouring up chips in the pot out of his tray the last 5 min before break.
Did you order a blanket and a night light to go with it?Ordered two hot cocoas made with milk and whip cream
Waitress brought them made with water and no whipcream
No matter what happens now my day is irrevocably ruined!
Did you order a blanket and a night light to go with it?
Sounds like the perfect occasion for footie pajamas.I NEED my binkie! Also, they keep the poker room really cold
I NEED my binkie! Also, they keep the poker room really cold
Had a member send me a private message asking about my decision to get involved with that last hand where I was in the BB with 86 offsuit
I was BB which means there is
8k from raiser
16k from two callers
8k from my BB and ante
2k from SB
I have to call 4k into a pot with 34k in it, so 8.5 to 1 on my money
When I call I have 25k remaining in my stack. If I won that pot I would have over 100k (because two guys called my shove)
Avg stack was over 100k, so I felt the risk was worth the reward, otherwise I just bleed down to no chips. I got a flop I had to go with given my stack to pot size and the blinds compared with what I had left.
I'm still kicking myself over not taking the chance with the Tens vs the asian kid that called the other guys raise, then shoved over my repop and later said he had
In that hand there was 6K (from the raiser) plus my 22K plus the kids shove which covered me (so another 50K or so). So 78k, but I'd have to risk my tournament to go for the pot. If I could see what he held the call would be fine, but without any info on him except he's a young asian kid, I felt like my best case scenario would be a coin-flip spot, and felt I had enough chips to continue playing.
my only issue with the tens hand was your 3 bet sizing. I think you can 3 bet to 15k with the same results, and save 7k if you get 4 bet.
I had considered that, but felt such a small reraise might encourage a light 4-bet
I figured my raise to 22k might look like I was willing to commit to the hand if someone did 4-bet (which would hopefully narrow down the range of hands that would try it)
Sounds like the perfect occasion for footie pajamas.
I don't know how often people are 4 betting light in live casino tourneys, but a larger 3 bet often looks like you don't want a call, and probably narrows your range to mid-high pairs. Think about it, if you had aces are you still raising to 22k? Most likely not.
This one's interesting. You only have 7bb after posting. If you think by jamming you get isoed then the pot is essentially 63k, 29k for you to call. So over 2 to 1. But most isolating ranges have you beat worse than that. So if you can never expect a fold, I actually think the best play is to just take your pot odds and call. It only leaves you with 6bb, but you get an entire orbit before you have to post the ante again. And if you happen to smash, you almost certainly get looked up since there will be 4 way action.Had a member send me a private message asking about my decision to get involved with that last hand where I was in the BB with 86 offsuit
I was BB which means there is
8k from raiser
16k from two callers
8k from my BB and ante
2k from SB
I have to call 4k into a pot with 34k in it, so 8.5 to 1 on my money
When I call I have 25k remaining in my stack. If I won that pot I would have over 100k (because two guys called my shove)
Avg stack was over 100k, so I felt the risk was worth the reward, otherwise I just bleed down to no chips. I got a flop I had to go with given my stack to pot size and the blinds compared with what I had left.
I'm still kicking myself over not taking the chance with the Tens vs the asian kid that called the other guys raise, then shoved over my repop and later said he had
In that hand there was 6K (from the raiser) plus my 22K plus the kids shove which covered me (so another 50K or so). So 78k, but I'd have to risk my tournament to go for the pot. If I could see what he held the call would be fine, but without any info on him except he's a young asian kid, I felt like my best case scenario would be a coin-flip spot, and felt I had enough chips to continue playing.
How many BB did you start this hand with ballpark?There was a raise to 6k from the CO. The SB calls 6k
There is 12k plus my 2k + 2k in the pot, so 16k already
If I only reraise to 15k there I feel it's too small, only 9k more, with one of them having position on me post-flop.
The CO has to call 9k with 29k in the pot (and position) and the SB has to call 9k after that with 38k in the pot
I'd have Tens against two opponents with a 38k pot and I think I had 50k or so behind?
I also felt like a smaller reraise would make me look like I had a hand I was willing to fold, and that the larger raise made me look more willing to commit to the hand
And yes, if I had Aces I'd still make the same raise. My general rule of thumb is 3x the previous raise plus 1x for each caller
So usually the raise there would be 6x3 = 18k + 6k= 24k
But I know all the kids these days are loving their minraises and downbets for fractions of fractions, so sized it slightly smaller, but still in the ballpark
If the SB hadn't called then 15k'ish looks closer, but in that spot I might just call the raise and play my tens against the one opponent.
How many BB did you start this hand with ballpark?