Giveaway Need for Speed Giveaway! (16 Viewers)

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Hi Everyone is I was in the Hopsital this past week with a medical Emergency. I got released Friday night. I’m not fully recovered and I will choose a winner in early December.
We should be the least of your worries. You concentrate one getting better. We will be here when you are 100%.
Take your time can pick me when you're feeling better ;)
Seriously, I hope all is well with you.
Hi All feeling better now thanks. I had a Gal Stone causing a blockage in a Bile Duct which caused my body to go into shock and I was having infections and early onset of Sepsis. I was feeling stomach pains & vomiting 2 Thursdays ago. I thought it was a Stomach Virus and slept it off. Felt better on Friday during the day and worked from home. I then felt stomach pains on Friday night and then felt better again. It wasn't until Saturday my very observant and GREAT Wife noticed I was turning Jaundice(Yellow) and said we need to go to urgent care. The urgent care Dr. Checked me out and said I needed to go the ER immediately and not to go home. When we went to the ER they did the blood work & vitals everything was super elevated and in the ER I had a 105 fever and an enlarged liver. I had double pneumonia and various infections in my body. I was in CCU for two and a half days as it took them a few days to figure out what was causing my issues and then regular room for 4 days to get stabilized and once all my numbers got better I got released. While there they put a stent in my bile duct to get the enzymes flowing to my liver again. Finishing up my last few days of Antibiotics as I've been on them for 2 weeks. I will get my Gal Bladder removed at the end of the month to prevent more stones in the future. After the Gal Bladder they will do a second surgery to remove the stent and stone and make an incision to have wider path in the bile duct. I didn't realize how serious this was until one of the Doctor's told me if I didn't come to the Hospital when I did and a day or two more my body would have further gone into sepsis & shock I could be dead. Thankful to the Lord and my observant wife.
I will cut off any more signups and will use a Randomizer to choose a winner in the next day or two.
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