Full House
That was the most hassle to get, they didn't want to part with them. Will send it out tomorrow.
That was the most hassle to get, they didn't want to part with them. Will send it out tomorrow.
No, I saw your post about that. It was a late night and looked up on the gaming commission website who had new $1 and they were listed so headed over there with the sole mission of harvesting. Went to the window and the lady said she wasn't allowed to change cash for chips. Turned around to get chips from the roulette table he asked if I was playing I said I just wanted to look at the chip. He said not allowed to sell them but did. Wouldn't let me exchange to try and find the minty chips.Did you get the steak dinner at Ellis Island when you were there ?
I'm good with either. $20 each and winner take all?
I'll play if the eventual winner doesnt mind receiving actual cash. Paypal hates me.
I want in can I just type my picks or do I need a bracket form?
Penquins, Penquins, Penquins
Lightning, Lightning
Ducks, Ducks, Ducks, Ducks, = Cup Champs
Blues, Blues
If this doesn't work I'm out.
No time and at work.