North America MSK Plaque interest (1 Viewer)

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I am interested in 40 plaques, but if we can get is sooner rather than later...I mean in the next few weeks... Also, can we make it a generic design with no denomination so that anyone can use it in tourney, cash games, etc.? any thoughts?
Just put your order in for a generic template plaque from their site and order that for your self?

as for timing, ya I would rather order within the next couple weeks also. I was just giving more time so everyone can decide how many and what art they want done and not be rushed

If there is enough interest in 2-3 weeks and people have their orders ready with art, I will crunch the numbers and see if its even possible to get the better deal going through this way instead of individual orders
I think what will happen is I will only be able to re-ship canadian orders only. The US will be too costly to send there, So maybe someone could step up from the states to reship out multiple orders?
I am going to ask MSK later how many plaques will fit in a medium box and a large box and go from there. I would like to max out a med or lrg box and everyone just pays their % of shipping cost proportionate to their order or something. the more orders in one box, the cheaper it will be for everyone I would think. Unless I am wrong
Didn't see a form online, so I just emailed them. Has anyone come up with nice generic deigns we can use? I MIGHT be able to spearhead the U.S. bulk order/shipping.
I am getting info on weight of each size item and what the prices are for certain shipping boxes up to certain weights.
Probably will be putting in orders first or second week of January so dont delay!

Reshipping a small box in canada will be like under 10 bucks I am sure. So lets say if individual orders in a small box from Korea are 60 dollars, doing it this way may be quite better for price. I also asked her about a small discount per each item if we do it this way. around .10-.15 off each size plaque. that 10 or so cents could offset the reship costs mostly once back in Canada?

see what she says
Here are some answers about shipping capacity and such:

"Their weight system goes by 500g, and they have weight limit for the largest box. Because of this is we only use EMS for individual orders.
For the USA and Canada, the weight limit for the largest box is 30 kg. More than that, we need to split the parcel.

Please check out the rate on the website following the link below :

Here is the weight of a plaque for each sizes :

43 mm jeton : 6.5 g
round corner plaques
66x48 mm : 20 g
82x57 mm : 30 g
94x66 mm : 40 g
107x75 mm : 50 g
118x82 mm : 63 g

Please be sure to allow, when calculating, all the fees and surcharges as well as the package weight.
The use the currency exchange rate on the day of the quote is made. "

I am deciding to move this 'group buy' ahead to the 2nd week of January instead of Feb/March.
So if you are in Canada and would like to get either samples or a set of jetons/plaques please state your interest here and amount you want. The artwork and payment is done yourself. I am just going to receive your order and reship to all Canadian addresses (If cheaper!)

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Didn't see a form online, so I just emailed them. Has anyone come up with nice generic deigns we can use? I MIGHT be able to spearhead the U.S. bulk order/shipping.
well if the math works out to be a lot cheaper to do it this way for fellow Canadians, then someone should spear head the US bulk shipping for them.

in about a week when there are more orders I am sure coming in on this thread, I will calculate everything out and see.

So, please anyone here in BC, Toronto, out east get your interest known on here before you place an order... might save you 30-40 bucks?!
So is the savings in the shipping costs? How much cheaper are we talking over an individual order?
well I just did some quick research and a 30kg box to ship to Canada is 250 bucks CAD wow

but thats 465 Large plaques. Thats A LOT.

so a 10kg box to Canada is about 145 bucks. which can sit about 160 largest size plaques.

and just for comparison for individual orders, a 40 plaque large size order would be about 64 Can dollars at about 2.5 kilos
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