SOLD NOW SPLITTING - Big AS Tourney Hot Stamp Set - 1,614 Chips (1,814 including 200 x AS T5s) (1 Viewer)

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Update on what I'd take if it splits:

T5 - 1 rack (I know it's not listed here, just throwing it out there incase it becomes available)
T100 - 1 rack
T500 - 2 racks
T1000 - 1 rack
T5000 - 1 rack
I will update the OP shortly..also will try to figure out who asked for what, if the set is split.

For complete transparency, this is what I said to @navels in a PM last night: "...I am going to add the two racks (of AS T5s) (@ $600/rack) to the set...The stipulation in the updated ad will be that these two racks are only available as part of the set and I will not be selling them if I end up splitting the rest of the set".

This is where I stand this morning: The price for the entire set, including the two racks of AS T5s has been updated to $7,250 (you can still buy the previously listed set of 1,614 chips, excluding the two racks of AS T5s, for $6,050). If I do break up the set (only when all chips are accounted for), I reserve the right to keep the AS T5s. However, it is very likely that I would sell the AS T5s to people with the biggest orders (but no guarantees).
Wow what a great set. These are the most beautiful hot stamps I've seen (IMHO). If someone gets the whole set I hope they can part with the chips I need. (Now my wants have become needs). Go figure. Its no secret I'm hoping kk405 splits the set.
Would love a rack of T5s to add to my set. If there needs to be adjustments I am willing to change my order to just get

T5 x 100
T25 x 40
T100 x 40

But only willing to do this if it is guaranteed to get me the T5s and the deal gets done.
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Would love a rack of T5s to add to my set. If there needs to be adjustments I am willing to change my order to just get

T5 x 100
T25 x 40
T100 x 40

But only willing to do this if it is guaranteed to get me the T5s and the deal gets done.

I am pretty certain the T5s will go to larger/largest orders, otherwise I would pull them from the sale as I have back up dibs on them as well.
I am pretty certain the T5s will go to larger/largest orders, otherwise I would pull them from the sale as I have back up dibs on them as well.

I understand what you are saying but I am trying to be flexible. If it does not work out I understand.
GoT White Walkers Bump :eek::eek::eek:

If I were to expand my set by a table, I'd need the following (in addition to some time to fundraise):
100 x T5 (optional)
120 x T25
120 x T100
60 x T500
100 x T1k
20 x T5k

Seems like the shortage of 1k makes this a very tough split.
If I were to expand my set by a table, I'd need the following (in addition to some time to fundraise):
100 x T5 (optional)
120 x T25
120 x T100
60 x T500
100 x T1k
20 x T5k

Seems like the shortage of 1k makes this a very tough split.

I had several interested in smaller single table tourney sets, but you’re right, the shortage of 1Ks makes it hard to split it in perfect sets. I do have two people who are mulling over buying the entire set and then selling off the racks they don’t need.
My wants:

0 - 200 x T5
80 x T25
80 x T100
40 x T500
100 - 140 x T1K
60 x T5K
20 - 50 x T25K
total chips: between 380 and 650
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Demand is higher than what I have, but the biggest problem is not enough T1Ks (and T500s to some extent) to satisfy everyone... I am still working on finding a solution and see how I can best split this set...any suggestions, let me know via PM.

Screen Shot 2019-04-23 at 11.21.02 PM.png
For me, I’m not all or nothing. I have flexibility.

I already have 2 racks of the T1000’s so I can give that to others.

My priority is this (really really want):
T500 - 1 rack
T5 - 1 rack

Second priority is, in this order
T500 - another rack (total 2)
T100 - 1 rack
T5000 - 1 rack

Last priority is
T1000 - whatever I can get

I’d happily give up all the T1000’s for a rack of the T5’s.

Not sure if this helps?

But I think with others, you probably have to figure out if they are all or nothing, or whether they would take whatever they are allocated. For me, I’ll take whatever I’m allocated but have that priority list above.
I gave ranges in my totals to make clear which quantities were all or nothing versus some or all or nothing, just FYI.

You could fill orders until you can't and then sell by the rack. Starting with some arbitrary person . . . like maybe the guy with the coolest sounding backwards name.

-- Evan Eel
The way things are going it doesn't look like I'll be the lucky one that gets the T1000s.

That leaves me with one rack of T500s, 60 T5000s, 40 T25000s ( what I'm hoping for)

I'd settle for just one rack of T500s
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Demand is higher than what I have, but the biggest problem is not enough T1Ks (and T500s to some extent) to satisfy everyone... I am still working on finding a solution and see how I can best split this set...any suggestions, let me know via PM.

View attachment 279847

I withdraw my order.

That should make your 25’s and 5000’s even out at least.
UPDATE 4-25-2019: I am splitting the set. Majority of the chips are sold and this is what I have left:

149 x T25 @$3.75/each + shipping
230 x T100 @4/each + shipping
105 100 x T5000 @4/each + shipping - 5 SOLD, 100 available
30 10 x T25000 @4/each + shipping - 20 SOLD, 10 Available
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Excellent murder candidates. :)

Probably the best chips I have ever seen for that many of the chips in this set are great addition to other existing sets (after some minor modification of course :p)
You guys think the T500 would be a good candidate for an Aztar 500? Or just stick with the Aztar RHC 500 but it'd be mixing THC/RHC?

25 Secondary, MO 100 Secondary, AST500 milled/relabled 500, Aztar 1000 (either primary or secondary).
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