I have tracked this for years for Texas Hold 'Em tournaments. No other games were played. When our group has 2 dedicated dealer's per table, each taking every other hand, we average just under 2 min/hand. My dealers are not professional dealers and other players are doing the shuffling. I measured at our breaks after 3 20-min rounds. At least at my table, it was 1:50 to 1:56 on average, typically 31-33 hands per hour.
To get to the goal of 2 min/hand, dealers dealt and the shuffling rotated around. Typically dealers shuffled 1x/orbit. The real time savings, based on my observation, is when the chips are pushed to the winner and the cards picked up, the next dealer starts dealing cards immediately. There is virtually no time between hands. BTW, we are not real strict on rabbit hunting unless someone objects, so the 2 min/hand even includes time for that, but not every hand. Please note I'm not suggesting you allow rabbit hunting. I'm just commenting that we were still within our attempted 2 min/hand time goal.
Go to 1 dedicated dealer per table, it is around 2:20 per hand. Someone suggested trying a different dealer every other round instead of every other hand thinking it would be just as fast, so we tried it one night. It lasted 2 rounds. It was noticeably slower.
Go to self-dealt, and it's 2:30 min/hand, but closer to 3:00, and sometimes over that. After realizing their set-up was so much slower than the players in my game were used to, they ended the round after 1 orbit, but the timer had been off for some time. It was 6-8 hands w/in the 20 min time.
YMMV, but that's my observations based on my game where I put real effort into getting to the 2 min/hand and games I played in that until I came along, never gave it much thought.