Post some pictures of the stuff you should sell. I’m sure we’ll buy it up.Sooooo tempting!
I have so many chips unfelted already with more on the way.
Please buy this someone to remove this temptation!
+1Post some pictures of the stuff you should sell. I’m sure we’ll buy it up.
LOL. Why "should" I sell any unfelted sets I've acquired? I just need to play more often so they get used. Probably like most of the people here that can't help themselves like a racoon finding shiny things.Post some pictures of the stuff you should sell. I’m sure we’ll buy it up.
These are really cool. I owned a set of yakamas at one point. Really liked how they looked and felt but absolutely hated that they didn’t shuffle. Pretty cool if you were able to take care of that problem.
More chips here than what I would need but if someone is in for a lot of the high denoms, it might get interesting. A typically ideal cash set for me and my seks would be:
1s - 200
5s - 200
25s - 200
100s - 100
500s - 60
1ks - 40
No, there are 1200 for sale and only 800 in the lower denoms.Leaves 100 x $100, 40 x $500, 60 x $1,000.
My bad, you're right. "for the entire set (including the extra rack of $1ks and $100s) - that’s 1200 chips total!"No, there are 1200 for sale and only 800 in the lower denoms.
Just not sure if there is extra 100, 500 or 1000’s.
Wow, just catching up on all of this.
1s - 200
5s - 200
25s - 200
100s - 100
500s - 60
1ks - 40
That leaves:
100s - 100 (with over-labels applied)
500s - 40 (with over-labels applied)
1ks - 60 (with over-labels applied).
I also have:
100s - 100 (over-labels not yet applied)
1ks - 100 (over-labels not yet applied).
But I do have enough labels to cover these chips as well as some extra labels for those that purchase the chips with labels applied.
I have received some inquires from others. Please respond in this thread what you all want from the remaining chips.
Sorry guys but I’m out. I’ve learned that while the overlabels do take care of the suction effect and fix the no shuffle problem, they also cause slightly wobbly stacks, due to recess area not being completely uniform to make a 100% fit for the labels.
Supposedly not a big issue and I haven’t seen for myself, but I’m super sensitive to wobble and want chips that stack really well. It’s likely a ”it’s-not-you-it’s-me”- kinda problem.
Fucking plastics, I wanna like them but I just can’t seem to escape the fact that each manufacturer and version all have at least one feature that ruins it for me![]()