Wanted Ok, now this is my last ad. Unobtanium Cards, ESPT T25 and T100, Sec TP frac and $25, RPC $5P, 20P (2 Viewers)

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Bump. Offering prices added to OP.
Bump for the late crew
Just missed some $25 secondary Tigers by seconds. Anyone have these or fracs to spare?
Are my offering prices too low? If you've got anything in the OP, drop me a line and we can chat. Willing to take higher quantities and sell off what I don't need.
New credit card cycle bump
That time of month again, bump!

ESPT T25 are top of the wanted list.
Bump! ESPT 25's at the top of the list.

Anyone who sells me three barrels or a rack gets a full sample of my upcoming CPC set.
Bump! ESPT 25's at the top of the list.

Anyone who sells me three barrels or a rack gets a full sample of my upcoming CPC set.
Did I mention this will probably be the only sample set I give out?

Name your price for ESPT 25's
Where are these hiding?
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