ORDER THREAD **CLOSED** - Jockey Mold hotstamp Fracts - Silver Shoe 5c and 25c & Red's Tavern 10c (2 Viewers)

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Ready for 1's, 5's, and 20's?

Personally, I gotta save some money for this. I may have to sell all my other sets to make it happen. But if they handle well, it will be seriously considered.
Ready for 1's, 5's, and 20's?

Gonna be a while before I'm ready. I've pretty much got a hold on any new chip purchases for now. I'm trying to catch up with all the outstanding commitments I had going. Still want to do it for sure just not going to be able to fund them for a while (without selling which I always have a hard time doing ;)).
Chips arrived yesterday (finally something good about yesterday after all the bad stuff), look and feel fantastic. Jockey mold chips stack great and stack heights are uniform between colors (lavender & chocolate) and denoms. (y) :thumbsup:

Haven't had any new CPC chips in a while, definitely need some oiling.
I also received mine. They are beautiful. Haven't had much time to shuffle/handle them....but I think I really like the mold. I'll post more impressions/pics later.
Did some side by side comparison photos, and some stack height comparisons.

The Jockey mold is really close in feel and look to the THC. There is definitely a difference in weight between the CPCs and the THC Main Street hot stamps (Paulsons are heavier feeling), but they handle virtually the same. They have similar sound, too. Very pleasing. The hotstamps on the CPCs are consistent, with only 3 out of 110 having a slight "fade" in the denomination stamp. They are all virtually flat, and not a spinner among them. I love the color I chose (Katy Perry!), and I will be using these with my mixed Paulson casino set. The only thing I dont like is the difference in stack height. The CPCs are definitely taller. I'm hoping me shuffling them faithfully will bring down the deficit between the CPCs and the Paulsons I own.

All in all, I think quality is spot on, the hotstamping process looks like a winner, and I am confident that I could order a whole set of these and be more than satisfied with the results. Pics to follow.
Mine arrived today. Wow turned out better then I thought. I'm really digging the Jockey mold.
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Chips received.

Thought process going into this purchase, "Hmmmmmmm, don't own nickels as I never use them, do not buy hot stamps because not a fan, and have never seen the jockey mold live. I know, I'll kill three birds with one stone."

This was the right decision. These chips are amazing. The hot stamp is unbelievable in person and the jockey mold might be my new favorite. Great job on this. Also, A+ on the packing.

Now I just need to come up with a usage on the nickels...Acey Deucey maybe? And start working on a theme for a cali colors jockey mold set. "Sliding Rocks Down, Death Valley CA" has a nice ring to it.
They have similar sound, too.
I've never handled CPC hot stamps or jockey mold, but I've handled plenty of their inlaid chips in a bunch of different molds and I'm skeptical.
Also true of MD-50..... likely due to the similar concentric rings on all three molds.
I've never handled CPC hot stamps or jockey mold, but I've handled plenty of their inlaid chips in a bunch of different molds and I'm skeptical.
The Jockey mold chips have a much lighter sound compared to RHC chips. I've been fondling both chips tonight and their is a very noticeable sound difference. The Jockey mold chips are lighter in weight also when shuffling them. Still I really like them and the stamping job is first rate.
I've never handled CPC hot stamps or jockey mold, but I've handled plenty of their inlaid chips in a bunch of different molds and I'm skeptical.

Let me rephrase: They don't sound the SAME. But they don't sound extremely different. The pitches are different, but they sound like they are sounds from the same instrument...not 2 unique instruments. I've always been of the opinion that BCC and ASM/CPC chips almost sound like a different instrument than a Paulson RHC/THC. Granted, this is a very subjective statement, but I feel the jockey mold is much closer in sound than any of the others.

PS-this is not a hill I'm willing to die on, YMMW, do your own tests, get samples, blah blah blah blah...
Still a ways out on considering a second buy but started playing around today on color mockups for an extended Silver Shoe cash set (.5c,.25c,$1,$5,$20,$100). Of course based on my .5c (lavender) & .25c (chocolate).

Imageset1a.jpg Imageset1b.jpg Imageset1c.jpg Imageset1d.jpg
I started out only wanting single color spots initially (ie: #1) going for a simple old school look but that has seemed to changed. My preference now is #2 > #3 > #4 > #1.

@NiceShot @jja412 either one of you thought about possible colors, spots?
I have not given it much thought. Trying to give my wallet some respite before the holidays. :cautious:
It will definitely be a while before I can commit to filling out a set of these...though I am still definitely interested.
Just making my way back to this thread. I never clearly stated that all orders have been paid for and shipped. I stated as such individually in PMs, just not here.
I read all the links and thats pretty cool you all picked Lou, Ky.
Not sure how i ever missed these threads.
They turned out great.
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