Wanted outpost casino 2 dollar (1 Viewer)

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I been putting a lot of want ad’s out there and seem to have no luck. Kind of getting discouraged. Oh well.
You're looking for some pretty hard to find things. But...you definitely won't find them if you don't ask.
Good luck!
I'm not sure anybidy on earth has three racks.
I just want 3 racks of mint Paulson chips in light colors, blue, orange, yellow, purple etc. those colors seems impossible to get. working on a relabel project.
When you write "these", readers expect a picture to identify the specific chips you're after.

People are not going to want to sell you rare chips a) for relabeling, or b) because you're a newbie, or c) both -- unless you're offering a ridiculously high price that they can't resist. ("Ridiculously high" meaning $6-10 er chip...) Part of being a true chipper is preserving the quantity of rare casino chips in existence.

If all you really want is "mint Paulson chips in light colors" for relabeling, you'd probably have a lot more luck looking for mint chips like Vegas Hard Rock roulettes, which are fairly common in a variety of bright, bold colors.

Good luck!
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