Just a quick 6 month followup:
I bought a treadmill for Christmas and I continue to work out daily, alternating between the exercise bike and treadmill.
Quick summary: weight is steady, cholesterol is excellent, Glucose is good (A1C = 5.7), blood pressure is very good.
Congrats! Going by the statistics, the hardest part isn't losing the weight, it's keeping it off.
Two years ago I started swimming laps 3-4 times a week. Didn't go on a diet. Actually changed my eating habits. I dropped to 198 in a little less than a year. I've kept it off for over a year.
Are you still taking the Crestor? I'm trying to lower my cholesterol through diet and exercise, but I just got my latest numbers and I'm still at 214 (had been ~245).....
I tried a pravastatin and it just made me sick to my stomach so I stopped after 10 days.....just couldn't handle "the new normal"......
I'm thinking of trying the "Cholest-Off" supplement next, but just curious how you're doing.
Great thread BTW, I've been doing this not as intensely as you for ~2 years, down to 205lbs from high of 245. At one point I hit 193, but bounced back up after the 2013 holidays....
Swimming is a two-edged sword. Swimming in cool water (below body temp) sucks a lot of heat out of your body, so your body cranks up the thermostat and burns a ton of calories to keep you warm. Getting your body to upregulate heat production is an excellent way to burn fat.
The other edge of the sword is that it spikes your appetite! If you can manage that end - and don't feed the beast you've created - it can be a great way to lose weight and keep it off. But if you let the hunger be an excuse to binge, well... to quote Ray Cronise, "you can't outrun your mouth."