p5woody's weekly health update (2 Viewers)

Week 26 - !!!6 months!!! - My 6 month journey to the new me is complete. In addition to my test scores getting better, I feel better and no more chest pains. I am able to run a mile in 7:18 and was able to run 3 miles in 26:19. I maxed out the stationary bike at 26.8 miles in 1hr. In the next week or two I will be posting before and after picks along with some new goals for the next year. Thanks to everybody who donated sample sets and all the support it really helped keep me on track. My health is much better, here are my numbers before and after.

Starting point ===> finish
AGE 45 Weight 242 ===> 185
test results
Triglycerides 653 mg/dl (reference range < 150) ===> 94
Cholesterol total 285 mg/dl (reference range 125-200) ===> 92
HDl cholesterol 36 mg/dl (reference > or = 40) ===> 39
Cholesterol to HDLC ratio 7.9 calculated (reference range < or = 5.0) ===> 2.4
Direct LDL - could not be calculated because my Triglycerides were way out of range ===> 34
Glucose 269 mg/dl (reference range 65-99) ===> 96
BMI 38.7 (reference range 18.5-24.9) ===> 29
Blood Pressure 125/93 (reference range < 120/80) ===> 118/68

monthly goals complete:
month 1 - Glucose 115 Weight 232 Run a mile any time - passed
month 2 - Glucose 98 Weight 220 Run a mile 8:45 - passed
month 3 - Glucose "good" Weight 209 Run a mile 8:25 - passed
month 4 - Glucose "good" Weight 204 Run a mile 7:45 - passed
month 5 - Glucose "good" Weight 191 Run a mile 7:27 - passed
month 6 - Glucose "good" Weight 185 Run a mile 7:18 - passed
I have to start a "more healthy way of life" now that you've shown us the way !
congratz for the whole job, though it seems to be only the beginning,
Before and after - 70 pounds

Before Picture - 253 pounds - taken 1 year ago with my 14 year old daughter going to Homecoming dance.

After picture - 183 pounds - taken yesterday with my daughter going to Homecoming dance.

Journey isn't over, I am continuing down the healthy path. I plan to start running 5k's with my daughter in the spring. I ran 1 mile in 6:45 yesterday followed by 7:58 and 8:40.

before and after.jpg
Damn! Great job!
Just a quick 6 month followup:
I bought a treadmill for Christmas and I continue to work out daily, alternating between the exercise bike and treadmill.
Quick summary: weight is steady, cholesterol is excellent, Glucose is good (A1C = 5.7), blood pressure is very good.
Feeling the best I have felt in years, numbers have seen small improvement since September.

Starting point 4/2014 ===> 9/2015 ===> 3/2015
AGE 45 ===> 46 ===> 46
242===> 185 ===> 183
test results
Triglycerides 653 mg/dl (reference range < 150) ===> 94 ===> 65
Cholesterol total 285 mg/dl (reference range 125-200) ===> 92 ===> 114
HDl cholesterol 36 mg/dl (reference > or = 40) ===> 39 ===> 62 (higher is better in this case)
Cholesterol to HDLC ratio 7.9 calculated (reference range < or = 5.0) ===> 2.4 ===> 1.8
Direct LDL - could not be calculated because my Triglycerides were way out of range ===> 34 ===> 39
Glucose 269 mg/dl (reference range 65-99) ===> 96 ===> 90 (A1C test 5.7)
BMI 38.7 (reference range 18.5-24.9) ===> 29 ===> 29
Blood Pressure 125/93 (reference range < 120/80) ===> 118/68 ===> 110/70
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Awesome sauce!!! That before and after picture is awesome!
Are you still taking the Crestor? I'm trying to lower my cholesterol through diet and exercise, but I just got my latest numbers and I'm still at 214 (had been ~245).....
I tried a pravastatin and it just made me sick to my stomach so I stopped after 10 days.....just couldn't handle "the new normal"...... :(

I'm thinking of trying the "Cholest-Off" supplement next, but just curious how you're doing.

Great thread BTW, I've been doing this not as intensely as you for ~2 years, down to 205lbs from high of 245. At one point I hit 193, but bounced back up after the 2013 holidays.... :(

Just a quick 6 month followup:
I bought a treadmill for Christmas and I continue to work out daily, alternating between the exercise bike and treadmill.
Quick summary: weight is steady, cholesterol is excellent, Glucose is good (A1C = 5.7), blood pressure is very good.

Congrats! Going by the statistics, the hardest part isn't losing the weight, it's keeping it off. Arguably, this milestone is a greater achievement than the progress you posted six months ago.

Thanks for sharing, and all the motivation it gives to so many. Keep on keeping on - there aren't enough great chips and inlays, yet! ;)

Side note - unless I missed it, you never posted about being able to get off any of the meds. Have you?
Congrats! Going by the statistics, the hardest part isn't losing the weight, it's keeping it off.

I concur. I finally found a way to do this. I'm 5'10". Weighed 225-228 forever. I'd lose 15-20 pounds. Put it back on in a few months. Two years ago I figured it out.

Two years ago I started swimming laps 3-4 times a week. Didn't go on a diet. Actually changed my eating habits. I dropped to 198 in a little less than a year. I've kept it off for over a year. A couple of times I would get on the scale and see myself at 203/205. I knew how to stop it before it go to bad, and would do just that.

I eat 6 times a day. Small meals. Our dinners usually consist of a protein and two veggies. I haven't eliminated bad carbs, or beer, or sugar, or any of the "good/bad" stuff. Now I just limit its intake. Save the beer for poker night, or date night.

Honestly, I couldn't feel better. I could probably lose another 10 pounds if I cut out our Friday night date night. Screw that.

We have added a treadmill to the basement. I use it twice a week and swim laps twice a week.

Good job sir. Keep it up.

Good work. Keep at it.

Its tough but the rewards are awesome!!!

Here is a great video for anyone who is embarking on self improvement through fitness. Sucks this guy got smoked by a train in January in California :(
HUGE loss in the fitness world.... I watch his clips before EVERY workout now. Its not just about the weights and looking huge but he is really into mind changing and being who you want in life.

Two years ago I started swimming laps 3-4 times a week. Didn't go on a diet. Actually changed my eating habits. I dropped to 198 in a little less than a year. I've kept it off for over a year.

Swimming is a two-edged sword. Swimming in cool water (below body temp) sucks a lot of heat out of your body, so your body cranks up the thermostat and burns a ton of calories to keep you warm. Getting your body to upregulate heat production is an excellent way to burn fat.

The other edge of the sword is that it spikes your appetite! If you can manage that end - and don't feed the beast you've created - it can be a great way to lose weight and keep it off. But if you let the hunger be an excuse to binge, well... to quote Ray Cronise, "you can't outrun your mouth."
Are you still taking the Crestor? I'm trying to lower my cholesterol through diet and exercise, but I just got my latest numbers and I'm still at 214 (had been ~245).....
I tried a pravastatin and it just made me sick to my stomach so I stopped after 10 days.....just couldn't handle "the new normal"...... :(

I'm thinking of trying the "Cholest-Off" supplement next, but just curious how you're doing.

Great thread BTW, I've been doing this not as intensely as you for ~2 years, down to 205lbs from high of 245. At one point I hit 193, but bounced back up after the 2013 holidays.... :(


I was on Lovaza and Crestor up until December then I had to change because my insurance wouldn't cover them. I am now on Atorvastatin and Fenofibrate instead. I am still taking Metformin for my sugar. This combination has actually improved my numbers slightly with no side effects that I know of. I have been discussing maybe getting off the medication but the doctor thinks it is too early for that.

What is atorvastatin? - Atorvastatin is used to treat high cholesterol, and to lower the risk of stroke, heart attack, or other heart complications in people with type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, or other risk factors.Atorvastatin is in a group of drugs called HMG CoA reductase inhibitors, or "statins." Atorvastatin reduces levels of "bad" cholesterol (low-density lipoprotein, or LDL) and triglycerides in the blood, while increasing levels of "good" cholesterol (high-density lipoprotein, or HDL).

What is fenofibrate? Fenofibrate is used to treat high cholesterol and high triglyceride levels.Fenofibrate helps reduce cholesterol and triglycerides (fatty acids) in the blood. High levels of these types of fat in the blood are associated with an increased risk of atherosclerosis (clogged arteries).
Swimming is a two-edged sword. Swimming in cool water (below body temp) sucks a lot of heat out of your body, so your body cranks up the thermostat and burns a ton of calories to keep you warm. Getting your body to upregulate heat production is an excellent way to burn fat.

The other edge of the sword is that it spikes your appetite! If you can manage that end - and don't feed the beast you've created - it can be a great way to lose weight and keep it off. But if you let the hunger be an excuse to binge, well... to quote Ray Cronise, "you can't outrun your mouth."

Your absolutely right on all accounts. I normally stay within 2k calories on a daily basis. On swim days I do have to up it slightly, but by no means do I binge (even though I want to, lol). I have sciatica nerve problems. Swimming was about the only thing I could do that didn't flare it up. I have since added treadmill work without any problem. Swim twice a week, treadmill twice a week. Eat 6 times a day.
Updating an old thread, numbers form 5 years ago compared to today.

Quick summary - 5 years ago I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes and was basically fat and out of shape (unless we consider round a shape). This is when I decided it was time to get healthy. I had a rough year last year but I am back on track now (Surgeries, knee and back issues, frozen shoulder, etc). At the end of 2017 I was still under 200 but with all the problems last year my weight went back up to 228 by the end of 2018. I am now back to running (without pain or knee brace) and my weight is back down to 200, my goal is to get back down under 190 this year and improve my run times.

Last year I wasn't really able to run, so I am getting my run times back down to where I want them.
Goals and actuals for May for this year:
1 mile = goal 8 minutes = actual 7:45
2 miles = goal 17 minutes (8:30/mile) = actual 16:58
3 miles = goal under 27 minutes(9/mile) = actual 25:58
10k(6.25 miles) = goal under 1hr(9:30/mile) = actual 58 minutes

Note: My run times are only important because I run with my daughter over the summer and I am trying to keep up with her workouts. She plays soccer in college and is in great shape. The important thing here is to be able to push her a little and it is great bonding time for us. She won't let her old dad beat her.

My medications haven't changed still taking Metformin for my Sugar.

Lab results from compared to 5 years ago (Red vs Blue):
Starting point 4/2014 ===> 9/2015 ===> 3/2015 === 4/2019
AGE 45 ===> 46 ===> 46 ===> 50
Weight 242===> 185 ===> 183 ===> 200
test results
Triglycerides 653 mg/dl (reference range < 150) ===> 94 ===> 65 ====> 60
Cholesterol total 285 mg/dl (reference range 125-200) ===> 92 ===> 114 ===> 101
HDl cholesterol 36 mg/dl (reference > or = 40) ===> 39 ===> 62 (higher is better in this case) ===> 48
Cholesterol to HDLC ratio 7.9 calculated (reference range < or = 5.0) ===> 2.4 ===> 1.8 ===> 2.1
Direct LDL - could not be calculated because my Triglycerides were way out of range ===> 34 ===> 39 ====> 36
Glucose 269 mg/dl (reference range 65-99) ===> 96 ===> 90 (A1C test 5.7) ===> 102 (A1C test 6.0)
BMI 38.7 (reference range 18.5-24.9) ===> 29 ===> 29 ===> 33.5
Blood Pressure 125/93 (reference range < 120/80) ===> 118/68 ===> 110/70 ===> 120/72

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