PAHWM: 5-Card PLO (high only) (6 Viewers)

The consensus is mostly a call on the turn. I’ll wait a bit to see if @DrStrange wants to weigh in, then move it along.
That sounds like a very advanced play for a microstakes game.

Not really though. It is just a squeeze play really. Too many times a person in Hero’s spot bets too much that when SB jams he loses his ability to raise again and the other players knowing that can call with their draws still. Knowing that a bettor still can have action is not that deep of leveling
Hero did consider raising to $12 or $15, but ultimately called the $4.

Stack sizes:

SB - $38.49
BB - $188.49
Straddle - $55.05
Button (hero) - $302.92


Hero looks down at :9c::9s::7s::5s::5c: and calls the 0.40.
SB calls
BB raises to $2.00
Everyone calls

Flop $8.00:


SB - check
BB - check
Straddle - check
Hero - check

Turn $8.00:


SB - Bet $4.00
BB - call
Straddle - call
Hero - call

River $24.00:


SB - Bet $24.00 (POT, MFer!)
BB - fold
Straddle - fold
Hero - ?
Hero should get it in given villains stack size. We have a fairly well disguised 3rd nuts here which I expect to be good the majority of the time
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So the SB should only have like $8 behind at this point right? How often are we giving away an extra $8 vs extracting max value?

The SB led out into 3 opponents with 4 to a straight on the board. How likely is it he has 10-10-J-Q? Seems reasonably likely to me.

I think calling vs setting him in are probably the same EV and are hardly worth considering. You're obviously not folding so it's basically the same either way.

Not to hijack the convo - but let's change one dynamic to make the river decision interesting. Let's say SB has $50 behind after betting $24. Do you still pot it?

If so, at what threshold does flatting becomes > raising?
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this question depends greatly on the villain and hero's table image.

Is villain a nut peddler? The sort who wouldn't bet top set on a straightening board, the sort who just check-calls with his draws? Does he bet smaller with weaker hands and pots when he is rock solid? Or is villain a mostly hold'em player who might call down with a straight?

How about hero? Is his image the "Nut Peddler"? does villain even pay attention to this anyway? Just what sorts of hands could Hero have with his passive line, check flop, call turn and now jamming river? What could be the weakest hand Hero holds anyway? < I'd say T8 is the absolute weakest hand, though nines full of eights might be the bottom of the range. >

The more aware villain is, the more nut peddling he is the less I want to raise. While the size of the stack remaining does matter, WHO holds that stack matters a lot more than how much he/she has behind.
Yeah this is not a great spot. Betting full pot into 3 players is pretty strong, and I don’t think he has many bluffs here (we hold 3 spades). Crying call and hope his value range is wide enough for us to make a slight profit.
I'm not the Omaha expert that Anthony or the good doctor are, but:
pre-flop - fold
flop - bet pot
turn - call
river - call (not folding 3rd nuts, the way this played out)

I won't be surprised to see TT, although SB could be bluffing with a straight and a missed FD, given how passively the entire table played this entire hand.

played a bunch of sessions with the Straddle. Hero considers him a solid player
was I in this hand?
You were the Straddle.
Does not compute.
I also missed the OESFD.
I rest my case.

j/k, beaker. But too good to pass up. :D
Hero knows that SB is VERY unlikely to bluff here with 3 players to act. But Hero knows that villain's range here is just as likely to be QJ with a missed nut flush draw as it is to be 1010. Villain's pot-sized bet might be a play to get weaker boats to fold.

Hero makes the puke call (my screen name in Pokerrrr is Saoliver :vomit::vomit::vomit: because I seem to do this often).

Villain shows :qc::8c::8h::5d::3c: to take it down with quads. Villain had a weak inside straight draw, or runner runner draw and hits the lottery.

Stack sizes:

SB - $38.49
BB - $188.49
Straddle - $55.05
Button (hero) - $302.92


Hero looks down at :9c::9s::7s::5s::5c: and calls the 0.40.
SB calls
BB raises to $2.00
Everyone calls

Flop $8.00:


SB - check
BB - check
Straddle - check
Hero - check

Turn $8.00:


SB - Bet $4.00
BB - call
Straddle - call
Hero - call

River $24.00:


SB - Bet $24.00 (POT, MFer!)
BB - fold
Straddle - fold
Hero - call

Showdown $72.00:

Villain shows :qc::8c::8h::5d::3c: to take it down with quads. Villain had a weak inside straight draw, or runner runner and hits the lottery.

I'm not the Omaha expert that Anthony or the good doctor are, but:
pre-flop - fold
flop - bet pot
turn - call
river - call (not folding 3rd nuts, the way this played out)

I won't be surprised to see TT, although SB could be bluffing with a straight and a missed FD, given how passively the entire table played this entire hand.

pre-flop - I would not play this hand at a 6 or 8 player table. Playing only 4 ways and on the button, I feel that my hand was playable even with a raise to $2.00.

flop - Still not sure if my check was right here. Part of me says with a large advantage in my stack and position, maybe a bet here would have been good.

turn - This is where I feel I should have made the pot-sized raise. My hand is not great 4 ways. Flush draws might have folded, and the SB's weak ass hand would have likely folded here.

river - Call. I am calling all day here. Villain's range isn't huge here for him to be able to lead out with a pot-sized bet 4 ways. But as I said above, I feel that QJ is just as likely as 1010. I considered that 88 with a missed flush was a possibility...but man, it was so sick to see that he didn't have anything with it.
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