Villian's bet of 5 on the flop can't be that bad if hero is calling the turn with dry AK here.
Correct. Hero is utg and bet the flop, Villain is on the button and called.Hero was the one betting $5 on the flop.
Villian's bet of 5 on the flop can't be that bad if hero is calling the turn with dry AK here.
Correct. Hero is utg and bet the flop, Villain is on the button and called.Hero was the one betting $5 on the flop.
Hero was the one betting $5 on the flop.
Correct. Hero is utg and bet the flop, Villain is on the button and called.
What about other flush draws, Paulo ( , , , , )? Or even hands like , , , or with either two clubs or just one spade? No real reason to exclude any of those hands from his range, given the limited info we have (he did three-bet from the button, after all, and merely called Hero's 4-bet with position).
I dunno.... I've folded garbage hands for 45 minutes straight before, plenty of times. And if I wake up on the button with a squeeze opportunity with one of the above hands (or better), I'm jumping on it. And I'm a pretty tight player; certainly no LAG.
What about other flush draws, Paulo ( , , , , )? Or even hands like , , , or with either two clubs or just one spade? No real reason to exclude any of those hands from his range, given the limited info we have (he did three-bet from the button, after all, and merely called Hero's 4-bet with position). I don't see any monsters hiding under the bed here -- I think it's a mistake to assume he has a pocket pair here, and assigning a very narrow range of button three-betting hands.
I really don't want to give him a free card if he checks back, and by Hero checking here, we're setting him up to make a great semi-bluff bet at us (that we can't call, even if we hold the best hand).
One of the reasons I like a smaller flop bet is that it keeps more chips back for Hero to make a turn shove, reducing Villain's pot odds to call. A larger 4-bet pre-flop also sets up a pot-size shove on the flop.
What about other flush draws, Paulo ( , , , , )? Or even hands like , , , or with either two clubs or just one spade? No real reason to exclude any of those hands from his range, given the limited info we have (he did three-bet from the button, after all, and merely called Hero's 4-bet with position). I don't see any monsters hiding under the bed here -- I think it's a mistake to assume he has a pocket pair here, and assigning a very narrow range of button three-betting hands.
I really don't want to give him a free card if he checks back, and by Hero checking here, we're setting him up to make a great semi-bluff bet at us (that we can't call, even if we hold the best hand).
One of the reasons I like a smaller flop bet is that it keeps more chips back for Hero to make a turn shove, reducing Villain's pot odds to call. A larger 4-bet pre-flop also sets up a pot-size shove on the flop.
Lol, this guy is waaaay wider than any of us were giving him credit for. I was assigning him a wider range than most and would never have put suited gappers in his 3bet squeeze range. A larger 4bet preflop might have gotten him off his hand, but maybe not.
Thanks for doing a PAHWM the right way...good discussion and insights that would not have occurred had we known the outcome.
Shove pre. If he wants to get it all in with T8 (or better) that's okay by me, and if I merely take down the $2 in folded bets as profit, that's okay too.
I just hate playing AK out of position. Unless you flop broadway, top set, or a boat, you never really know where you are in the hand.
Thanks for facilitating the discussion Chris!
It would be interesting to find out if Villain would have called the 4-bet with the same hand had Hero bet at least $5. If Villain wants to pick a couple of combos to call light, I actually prefer his hand, than a hand like AT, although after the 4-bet stacks, were too shallow. T8s doesn't flop well frequently enough to warrant a call there imo.
As I mentioned, I don't mind the shove pre (neither do I mind the flat). My reasoning is a little bit different of Dave's. I want to try to fold some hands that I'm flipping with and maybe get called by hands like AQ. I don't love playing AK out of position, but I don't have a big problem with it also. Many, many times that's the case. You open AK on the HJ and get called by Button. I also disagree you're in a tough position if you flop either the A or the K. Worse position is hands like AT calling the 4-bet, even in position.
@v1pe : not only Villain put a one gapper SC on his 3-bet squeeze range, but also on his 3-bet/call range, LOL!! IMO, that's a bit much unless one is super deep or playing against a bad player, which Chris is certainly not, more like the opposite.
I'm curious @Schmendr1ck , were you planing on calling Villain's pre flop shove when you sized your 4-bet?