PAHWM - KK UTG (2 Viewers)


Full House
Dec 7, 2017
Reaction score
Playing 25c/50c on PokerStars PA. No real reads or HUDs on other players. Had been playing for about 30 minutes. Hero has $143 (286 bb) after doubling through a maniac QQ>AJ aipf. Main villain in the BB is the effective stack $55 (110bb).

Hero UTG :kd::kh: (286 bb) raises to $1.50. Folds around to Villain, who calls. Pot $3.25.

This seems fairly straightforward/standard, so I'll advance to the flop.


Villain checks. Hero?
Bet half pot. Charge the draws and holdings with a ten and high kicker should be calling.
Can I ask why you choose that size?
Sure- while V will have some draws, you also want to weaker pairs and Tx to call.

KT4 two tone has some draws in BB range, mainly flush draws and QJ, but this definitely hits your range a lot harder.
You have all top set, majority of middle set, all the flush+straight combo draws, while V mainly has some KX, TX, 55-99, and only two combos of two pair KTcc and K4cc.

By betting small here, you can bet this way with your entire range and garner a lot of folds while risking very little. Also, by holding top set, you block a ton of his range that feels comfortable calling OTT after betting larger, and a lot of the range that continues if you bet 50%+ has okay odds against top set.

Even if BB is sitting on QJss, you're still a 60% favorite to win this hand - you really don't need much protection here and betting too big polarizes your range to much in this spot.

This plays very differently than say KT7 two tone, as in that case, BB will have a lot more two pairs, gutshots, and pair+draws. Also plays a little differently than KT4r, in which case I'd size down to 1/4p or maybe just check with top set - that's more V dependent.
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Moving ahead…

Playing 25c/50c on PokerStars PA. No real reads or HUDs on other players. Had been playing for about 30 minutes. Hero has $143 (286 bb) after doubling through a maniac QQ>AJ aipf. Main villain in the BB is the effective stack $55 (110bb).

Hero UTG :kd::kh: (286 bb) raises to $1.50. Folds around to Villain, who calls. Pot $3.25.

This seems fairly straightforward/standard, so I'll advance to the flop.


Villain checks. Hero bets half pot $1.50 into $3. Villain calls.

My thoughts: With my hand and this flop I’m planning to scale up my bet sizing on each street and try to get all in by the river on clean runouts. I don’t want to check, though I block a big part of my opponents value range, my hand isn’t invulnerable, and a pot size bet or larger might fold out some weaker hands that I want calls from.

Pot $6. Turn :7c: for a board of:ks::4s::td::7c: with the villain in the BB and hero UTG holding:kd::kh:. Villain checks.

Moving ahead:

Hero UTG :kd::kh: (286 bb) raises to $1.50. Folds around to Villain, who calls. Pot $3.25.


Villain checks. Hero bets half pot $1.50 into $3. Villain calls.

Turn :7c: for a board of:ks::4s::td::7c: with the villain in the BB and hero UTG holding:kd::kh:. Villain checks.

No reason to check back this blank card. Hero continues his plan to increase bet size to try and get as much value as possible. Hero overbets $7.50 into $6. Any outcome by villain is ok here imo, raises and folds preffered as there are some cards that can put hero in a bad spot on the river.

Villain calls. Pot $20 as we head to the river :jc:. Villain checks again.

Bet $15. I'm really confused by villain's line here. I don't know what they'd have that they'd flat an overbet but not raise. Unless they have exactly AQ of spades, I think they fold to any bet here. If you bet and get check raised, I think you have to groan call.
Bet $15. I'm really confused by villain's line here. I don't know what they'd have that they'd flat an overbet but not raise. Unless they have exactly AQ of spades, I think they fold to any bet here. If you bet and get check raised, I think you have to groan call.
hold that thought lol
agreed, 3/4 pot feels good here. I like your overbet OTT as well, although after facing a 50% bet otf and an overbet ott, V range might only have the nuts or air.
Ok ..... So pre is raise and call. Flop is check bet call. Turn is check bet call. River checks again ...... Villain missed his spade draw and probably sitting with :js::ts:. Maybe $10 gets a call here
Would you ever bet smaller? What about a hero overbet?
Smaller ..... Sure if you don't think he has two pair then yes bet smaller. Your objective is to get a call.

Hero overbet ....... Hell no. You have been showing strength the whole time. No way they think you are bluffing at it. They know you have something good.
No over bet from me, 1/2 to 3/4 is about right... I feel like we keep it resonable if he comes over the top! You go over pot... he goes 3x... now we know we are against Broadway.

I like the $15 bet
Would you ever bet smaller? What about a hero overbet?
never smaller, I don't mind bigger though. You're extremely polarized OTT after overbetting, your range should be missed flushes, straights, pair of jacks with AJ or QJ, maybe AK. Probably not overbet, but maybe a psb. I'd check some combos of JX, AK, and bet flushes, straights and KK here.

Probably have to call it off with this hand if you get raised, as the only better hand you'll have is AQ (or maybe 89 at low freq).
Hero UTG :kd::kh: (286 bb) raises to $1.50. Folds around to Villain, who calls. Pot $3.25.


Villain checks. Hero bets half pot $1.50 into $3. Villain calls.

Turn :7c: for a board of:ks::4s::td::7c: with the villain in the BB and hero UTG holding:kd::kh:. Villain checks.

No reason to check back this blank card. Hero continues his plan to increase bet size to try and get as much value as possible. Hero overbets $7.50 into $6. Any outcome by villain is ok here imo, raises and folds preffered as there are some cards that can put hero in a bad spot on the river.

Villain calls. Pot $20 as we head to the river :jc:. Villain checks again.
Hero does not love this river.

I gave a lot of thought to checking and being thankful that I got two streets of value if/while I was ahead, and no $ in when behind.

I ruled out an overbet jam, as I’d only get called by better.

Making a $10-$15 bet seemed ok, but my thought was that a smaller bet gets called just as much, gets just as many folds, and widens the calling range. It doesn’t make as much money when called, though.

Hero bets $6 into $20. Villain tanks … and jams all-in to $46 total. Pot is $72.

Would you ever bet smaller? What about a hero overbet?
Has he given you an indication that he would call an overbet with a single pair?
Have you given him any indication that you would overbet bluff?

If you cannot answer an emphatic YES! to one of these questions, I think you are missing getting a call with a more reasonable 1/2 to 3/4 pot. Remember, this is a value bet, you really want a call here.
What is the read on the villain? Are they a sticky calling station? Loose, aggressive or tight?

I'm groan calling but if this villain only does this with nutted holdings, I fold. Two pair, AK, busted draws, lower sets can all play like this. Jacks with a made set on the river can also do this.
Hero does not love this river.

I gave a lot of thought to checking and being thankful that I got two streets of value if/while I was ahead, and no $ in when behind.

I ruled out an overbet jam, as I’d only get called by better.

Making a $10-$15 bet seemed ok, but my thought was that a smaller bet gets called just as much, gets just as many folds, and widens the calling range. It doesn’t make as much money when called, though.

Hero bets $6 into $20. Villain tanks … and jams all-in to $46 total. Pot is $72.

Snap call. Not folding here to basically 2 hands that beat us. Hero could have a set himself, or was induced in to thinking his two pair is ahead of your AK. You beat a ton of his value, this is a slam dunk call.

EDIT to add: This is a GREAT river for you by the way. The obvious draw in the flush misses, and it only completes 2 gut shot draws. HOWEVER, hands that improve that pay you off are numerous. If he hit a gutter, so be it. If he has a set, 2 pair, or is bluffing with his empty spades, which are more likely by far, you win. Hell, he could be doing this with a hand like AK thinking he is getting you off a chop.
I agree with @grebe snap call. No way you are beat here. This shove just reinforced my belief that he has J 10. After you call him, hop on Amazon and buy this shirt.

I don't feel great, but snap call. No way you can fold this getting close to 2:1

Hero UTG :kd::kh: (286 bb) raises to $1.50. Folds around to Villain, who calls. Pot $3.25.


Villain checks. Hero bets half pot $1.50 into $3. Villain calls.

Turn :7c:
Villain checks. Hero overbets $7.50 into $6. Villain calls. Pot $20.

River: :jc:
Villain checks. Hero bets $6. Villain tanks ... and jams all-in to $46 total.

Hero goes into the tank, and eventually folds after cleaning up the vomit. I got fixated on exactly :as::qs: as a holding for villain that might take this line - a mistake imo to think of a single hand vs a range of hands. I think I really did not plan ahead when making my river bet, as I should know whether I'm calling or folding if the action gets back to me. I think I also got a bit of "they always have it" syndrome when villain jammed. I'm at the top of my range here, and outside of having a straight myself, I'm only beaten by AQ and 89, with lots of two-pair, set (JJ, perhaps), semi-bluffs with blockers, and missed draws as possible holdings that might take a shot at blowing me off my hand.

I'm ok with how I played the hand before the river, but I think I misjudged whether this is a good or bad river, and that impacted how I viewed my opponents action. I think this should have been a tank/confirm thoughts/sigh/call.

Open to any feedback on my thought process!
Open to any feedback on my thought process!
Don't think I am trying to talk down to you here. Lord know I make tons of mistakes every time I play, and we have all been in this situation before and done something similar before, myself included.

You completely misread your opponent. The clue was over betting the pot on the turn and getting a call. Any draw can't call there, and the only hands that could have beat you were draws. Even if they thought you were just trying to buy it, those draws can't call cause they have nothing themselves yet! Nope, that guy had either jacks or J 10. I really think you let this one get away from you.

Hero UTG :kd::kh: (286 bb) raises to $1.50. Folds around to Villain, who calls. Pot $3.25.


Villain checks. Hero bets half pot $1.50 into $3. Villain calls.

Turn :7c:
Villain checks. Hero overbets $7.50 into $6. Villain calls. Pot $20.

River: :jc:
Villain checks. Hero bets $6. Villain tanks ... and jams all-in to $46 total.

Hero goes into the tank, and eventually folds after cleaning up the vomit. I got fixated on exactly :as::qs: as a holding for villain that might take this line - a mistake imo to think of a single hand vs a range of hands. I think I really did not plan ahead when making my river bet, as I should know whether I'm calling or folding if the action gets back to me. I think I also got a bit of "they always have it" syndrome when villain jammed. I'm at the top of my range here, and outside of having a straight myself, I'm only beaten by AQ and 89, with lots of two-pair, set (JJ, perhaps), semi-bluffs with blockers, and missed draws as possible holdings that might take a shot at blowing me off my hand.

I'm ok with how I played the hand before the river, but I think I misjudged whether this is a good or bad river, and that impacted how I viewed my opponents action. I think this should have been a tank/confirm thoughts/sigh/call.

Open to any feedback on my thought process!
I think you should have said “I think I’m going to have to call”………..
Don't think I am trying to talk down to you here. Lord know I make tons of mistakes every time I play, and we have all been in this situation before and done something similar before, myself included.

You completely misread your opponent. The clue was over betting the pot on the turn and getting a call. Any draw can't call there, and the only hands that could have beat you were draws. Even if they thought you were just trying to buy it, those draws can't call cause they have nothing themselves yet! Nope, that guy had either jacks or J 10. I really think you let this one get away from you.
No offense taken!

Does 10J call an overbet on the turn? Even JJ might start to get the hint too, as my range should be snug UTG and I would have bet twice.
Don't think I am trying to talk down to you here. Lord know I make tons of mistakes every time I play, and we have all been in this situation before and done something similar before, myself included.

You completely misread your opponent. The clue was over betting the pot on the turn and getting a call. Any draw can't call there, and the only hands that could have beat you were draws. Even if they thought you were just trying to buy it, those draws can't call cause they have nothing themselves yet! Nope, that guy had either jacks or J 10. I really think you let this one get away from you.
100% agree with this. If you know this villain well and know that they'd only do this with the nuts, then fine, it's a tight fold but maybe the right one. But I think hero is ahead more and is priced well into a call here.
No offense taken!

Does 10J call an overbet on the turn? Even JJ might start to get the hint too, as my range should be snug UTG and I would have bet twice.
They shouldn't. Jack's or sets made on the flop may call down the overbet, but wouldn't they just check raise if they have a set hoping to get value from the likes of AK, KQ, Kx of spades, etc?

If they flat called an overbet with just a gutshot or spade draw, I'd want to keep this villain coming to the game as much as possible. Hero may have lost a few bucks on this hand, but over the long term, this villain is going to make hero a mint with lines like that.

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