Canceled Park Place Cash Set 1685 pcs. - Abbiati (2 Viewers)

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what's the life expectancy for plastic > ceramics > clay?

if anyone has literature on this via forums or posts, i'd love to learn more. I'm in CA and these chips remind me of Oaks and Bay 101 chips -- i personally like them but they don't shuffle well --- just kinda sinks but i like the fact that stack very sturdy.

anyone know of casinos that user ceramics?? would love to see photos
I'm assuming you just mean $25 and not .25, correct?

I am not looking to break off any quarters or $1 chips. This is what I want to break off:

$5 - 300x
$25 - 80x
$100 - 100x

Feel free to PM if any of this is of interest
If the seller desires, I dibs the odd ball numbers of denominations to get the count down to even hundreds and tens. Looks like 18 chips. Have you set any split pricing?

PM sent.
If anyone ends up with extras and wants to sell a sample set, let me know. I recently picked up a set of the tourney chips and these chips are awesome!
i may be interested but am looking for samples to shuffle and play with
I dont mind splitting off some 1s 25c or 5s.

Also about 80x of the 100s
Bruuuuuuuh, how many 25c chips are you cool with splitting off?


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The $1 chips remind me of the chips from Borgata which I believe are Bud Jones. Are they similar in terms of weight/shuffling/quality?
The $1 chips remind me of the chips from Borgata which I believe are Bud Jones. Are they similar in terms of weight/shuffling/quality?
I have never handled Borgata chips. Sorry I can't help with answering that.
I added a rack of $25 to round out the top end of the set.

.25c - 301x
$1 - 301x
$5 - 801x
$25 - 201x
$100 - 181x

Total 1,785 pcs

Price is 5k shipped CONUS
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