Full House
1 full sample set (cash and tourney)
1 of every accessory
I basically want one of everything if that's possible?
1 of every accessory
I basically want one of everything if that's possible?
I'd really like to get samples of all this stuff so can you Iet us know how short things are before dropping people? I might buy more to meet numbers to ensure I get my samples. Thanks!I've said this several times. These have to be ordered in rolls of 25 for every chip except the seating chips. If this isn't met, then we might have to round down to the nearest 25 and cut recent orders that go over 25, without getting to 50.
Makes sense? lol............
I'd really like to get samples of all this stuff so can you Iet us know how short things are before dropping people? I might buy more to meet numbers to ensure I get my samples. Thanks!
So... checking the numbers I think none of add ins below will bump anything over 25 except for the Sweetums which are at 1 and 26... sorry for the hassle but thanks so much for the offer!I've said this several times. These have to be ordered in rolls of 25 for every chip except the seating chips. If this isn't met, then we might have to round down to the nearest 25 and cut recent orders that go over 25, without getting to 50.
Makes sense? lol............
3 Cash Set Samples (added 1)
3 Tourney Set Samples (added 1)
2 Lil Sebastians
2 You Got Jammed (added 2)
4 DBs
4 Treat Yo Selfs
2 Plaques
3 Cash Sweetums (added 3)
3 Tourney Sweetums (added 3)
I was one of those last few hours guys lol. I love all these especially the accessories. Bounty chips, DBs, all of it. Hopefully everything ends up making the cut.!AlKg0HDg8xVkgp8bS0AOOAl9qTN58w?e=jSh9mn
Here is the update other that what was requested in the last few hours.
I’ll take a sample set and one treat yo self
1 full sample set (cash and tourney)
1 of every accessory
I basically want one of everything if that's possible?
Thank you! Let me know if I need to pick up more to make numbers, I might have some friends who want some anyway. I'll check around tomorrow.Added to the sheet
Any chance you could update mine as well? (promise this is the last change !) ThanksAdded to the sheet
doneAny chance you could update mine as well? (promise this is the last change !) Thanks
Please forgive the ignorance. If I'm editing my order, should that be done via editing initial order and point to it, or just mentioning it here in a new order?
The sweeetums came aboard after my order, I'd like to add 3 cash and 3 tourney.
I'd also like to raise from 5 All-Ins, Lil Sebastians, and Treat Yo Selfs to 10 of each.
I know the cutoff is approaching here in the next day or so. Once we have the hard totals, I am another willing participant in raising my order if needed to match the rolls of 25. Thanks @detroitdad and everyone else making this work.
Apologies, I meant 3 of the Sweetum Cash & Tourney chips.I edited the 5qty chips to 10.
You were already down for 3 sample sets of cash/tourney, did you want 6 of each?
Don't know if this is the format you want this order in, but this is what I would like to order please:
Dealer button x 2
Treat yo self x 5
Bounty x 5
You got jammed x 5
HHJP plaque x 2
Cut Cards x 2
If I need to adjust numbers let me know, thanks.
Just cash, thanks!Sample of Cash or Tourney or both?
Please forgive the ignorance. If I'm editing my order, should that be done via editing initial order and point to it,
Gotcha, took the cut cards off the listChips have been added
Cut cards will be a separate thread at a later date
One cash sample set, one tournament sample set, one dealer button.