Good idea!!!
Guessing you’ve done it with no damage to the racks? Any faux-TSP used?The 6L Vevor ultrasonic will fit a couple Paulson racks nicely
Guessing you’ve done it with no damage to the racks? Any faux-TSP used?
I got 26 total. 6 look brand new, 10 look older with some discoloration and the last 10 are really yellowed with some chips on top and bottom. None of them have cracks.
Ditto my friend. They're still dull and a bit cloudy looking but they're clean with no more mildew or mold. That's what bothered me, really.Dishwasher cleaned them pretty well. Still a dull look to them but they look pretty decent. I’m gonna go ahead and put the rest in there today. No damage to them at all.
He also sent a rack that had no markings on it it felt just the Paulson racks and looked the same. It was slightly looser than the paulsons. There was no way I could fit a barrel of CPC chips which fit into 67.6 racks.
Oy vey, never mind. Shipping and import doubles the price.Any EU chippers wanna do a buy for these? I’d be in for an order of 13 (or 10-20, However we could split a shipment).