SOLD Paulson 100 x Bingo Palace $5 and 160 x Maverick $1s (1 Viewer)

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The other denoms are pretty nice as well. Will help winner find more if possible.

Sorry. I'm sure someone you know would drop shim them for you. I just hate dealing with it.
Last time I shipped to UK it was pretty costly with the insurance. Have no idea what it would be for almost 3 racks
They put some extra lead in the Paulson Colorado Chips. They stack so nicely.

California THC

Colorado Maverick THC

TR KING came in at 7.1 too. Ounces obv.
Feel free to zoom. As my friend would say " Any Cat Hair is Included Free of Charge"

Just a Samsung Galaxy 8 and daylight in our family room. It's like a natural light box, Only way I have ever gotten good photos is with natural light.
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