Andrew Marks
Two Pair
Saw this ad on Craigslist this morning. Ad says they are all Pauslons, but one picture shows shows Paulsons while the other two show China Clays. Moreover, ad says 600 for sale, but if you put all of the pictures together it looks like more than 600 which makes me wonder whether the picture of the Paulsons is simply a come-on and only the China Clays are being sold. Contacted seller by email pointing out the mixture of Paulsons and China clays and asked for a breakdown of each, but have not yet received a response. Given the false advertising, probably best to stay away and assume the worst (i.e., only the China clays are for sale), but price is certainly right depending on how many Paulson's are being offered.
Saw this ad on Craigslist this morning. Ad says they are all Pauslons, but one picture shows shows Paulsons while the other two show China Clays. Moreover, ad says 600 for sale, but if you put all of the pictures together it looks like more than 600 which makes me wonder whether the picture of the Paulsons is simply a come-on and only the China Clays are being sold. Contacted seller by email pointing out the mixture of Paulsons and China clays and asked for a breakdown of each, but have not yet received a response. Given the false advertising, probably best to stay away and assume the worst (i.e., only the China clays are for sale), but price is certainly right depending on how many Paulson's are being offered.