For Sale Paulson THC chips, Empress $5 , Aztar $25 , Empress $100 (1 Viewer)

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I've lost out on sales way too often because I didn't happen to be at the keyboard at the exact moment when an item came up for sale. That feeling sucks bad, and I didn't want to inflict that on someone else. That's the reason for these not being "dibs" sales.
Ha! I was super mad at you at the time. If anyone could have heard all the things I was saying in my head at that time, they'd think I was both crazy and dangerous. That's why it stayed in my head :p I got over it though. You're free to post any interest in any of the items you'd like. :)

Honestly, it would be pretty amazing if people that post interest in the threads could work it out amongst themselves who they all feel deserves to purchase anything. I don't imagine that'll happen though, and I'll have to be the @sshole that makes people feel bad they didn't get it.
I feel like it’s very hard to determine who “deserves” chips more than anyone else. That being said, I’ve been looking for the Empress $100s to complete my mixed set for months. I had a rack, but then sold them at my cost to @Rhodeman77 to allow him to complete his mixed set. I immediately regretted it and want them back lol.
Interested in the rack of $100s to help complete my Empress tourney set. Thanks. Shipping would be to Canada.
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My fellow Canadian, I'd like to make my case for the Aztar $25's. They are the anchor of my (under progress) Dream Mixed Casino Cash Chip Tourney set. They were going to be the smallest denom, along with PCA $100's, Empress $500's and a "to be determined" $1000. That plan has changed due to the unavailability/expense of a really cool, THC, shaped inlay $1000.

I think the dream has changed to include a "to be determined" $5, and maybe even a $1(!). But regardless of these changes, the Aztar primary $25 is the anchor, the reason I'm trying to put the set together. I bought some of these as some of my first ever ChipRoom purchase in the Fall of 2009. They struck me at the time as fantastic chips, along with the Aztar primary $1's, and the Bahamia $5's. It may just be because a first love is a special one, but I think objectively, these three chips are phenomenal. They remain to this day my favourite $1, $25, and RHC $5.

I have about 120 of the $25's. I figure I need at least 160 for a 20 player set. Also, some of my chips (and at least one of yours, I see) are strangely smaller than their kin. I don't know why, but some are just smaller, like they have been lathed down to 37mm. So I need three barrels to keep the dream alive, but would love to grab the rack.
are we writing essays now? Okay, here we go. Simply put, the Casino Aztar Missouri was the first Paulson set I was looking for when I came here back in 2016. This would be a holy grail for me to have and I am looking to get a full set of Aztars. I'm not going to try to do a mixed cash set, I try for most of the same from one casino and the Aztar is the one I'm looking at.

I wish I could say more but long story short, the Aztars were my first Paulson THC love
Ahhhhh! $5s please if available.

They must be reunited with their brothers:

Those $1s are gorgeous!
Yeah great choice for the $1 @Jeevansluck

Thanks Gents! Appreciate the compliments.

The choice of NYNY $1s was previously done before also. I believe @chipjoker maybe had done overlabel.

I acquired this set from @Frank who had the overlabels but not yet applied. I applied all the labels only to realize, I WANTED full inlay replace.

The journey to get these was definitely ALL mine, save for 5 chips that my good friend and fellow PCFer @grantc54 helped me with. He showed me what I needed, how to do it etc. Many thanks must be given to Grant for that. As well, none of it happens without @Gear for making up the sweet ass-labels.
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They are! Jim cherry picked them himself for me almost 10 years ago. About 180 are near mint and the other 100 are very good.

@Racer96 I'd like to put my hat in the ring for the $5s please.

While I'd love to add more $100s, I don't *need* more, but I do need $5s to get my cash set more playable. They are the missing link to my single lonely rack :)

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@Mac128k Awesome set! I don’t need the $5s but your set does. I’ll hunt the other 320 I want at some point down the road, I’m in no rush.
I can’t compete with the sets on here, but I have a small, “in progress” Empress set going. Would love the hundos to add to it.

Thank you!
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