SOLD Paulson THC Custom Cash Set (1 Viewer)

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Straight Flush
Jan 11, 2016
Reaction score
Concord, CA
Rating - 100%
123   0   0
Well, I ended up springing for Josh’s Aztar cash set which was well over the threshold of what I was comfortable shelling out for a not quite complete set, but the heart wants what it wants and grails only come up so often. I’ve got $5 hotstamps to shaped mill and relabel now and am low on chip funds so letting this set go. I put in a lot of effort nailing my own personal perfect colors, progression and breakdown for these and am sad to be letting them go. Would prefer not to split, but can if necessary and all spoken for.

80x Mint green THC solids, sharp excellent used (split at $80)
200x Paris $1, VG sharp used to near mint (split at $250/ rack)
300x AS $2.50s, dead mint (split at $250/rack) 2 racks split @BSteck &@toothpic , 1 rack split @anstossfreak @NotTooBad
100x ES2 T1k excellent to near mint (split at $575/rack)
40x ES $100 mint (split at $220/barrel) @UnicornFlash

$2300 shipped

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That's a great looking set man....
I know, I really fell in love with it. Having just bought our house I just can’t keep two $3k sets right now, and Aztar secondaries have always been the dream, shit’s expensive left and right haha
I know, I really fell in love with it. Having just bought our house I just can’t keep two $3k sets right now, and Aztar secondaries have always been the dream, shit’s expensive left and right haha
It really is. Great taste and progression in this set.
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