Paulson THC Palais des Congres (PdC) 500 chip set. (2 Viewers)


Sitting Out
Jan 21, 2023
Reaction score
If you wanna know why I’m selling and a little about my story, see bottom of post.

Admins, please delete if you feel this thread is inappropiate. I think it should be in accordinance with the rules but will understand if it is felt that it should be removed.
A BIG thank you to this forums membership and the knowledge I've already found here, and the ton of info and comments I anticipate here. I'm excited and looking forward to it.

The chips story

Asking for help and they are going to be sold soon.
I'm asking forum members to help me determine a value, this set is for sale.

I have a 500 chip set of Paulson’s. From what I've learned thus far, these are Paulson THC Palais des Congres (PdC), apparently are highly sought after and rarely make an appearance. I purchased these chips off eBay from Nevada Jacks back in the early 2000's. I was very much into all things poker at the time including playing underground games around Dallas.

They were used for three or four home game tournaments and played with a handful of times with my then young granddaughter.

Until I got these out of the closet a couple of weeks ago, then had been sitting in the case for more than a decade. I can't call these chips mint, they're not. They’ve been used and enjoyed, but not much. I'd call them 9 out of 10, but I'll leave it up to forum members to decide.

I'm considering putting this set on eBay withy an outrageous price just to see if anyone out there is willing to pay it.

I'd ultimately like to either get an outrageous price off eBay, or a face to face meeting with payment in cash. I'm on a fixed limited income now (technically disabled) and will be taxed on anything other than cash. I'm not opposed to shipping to sell them as well, but as a last choice if possible.

I don’t remember if the case was part of purchasing the set, or if I purchased it separately. I feel like it was a separate purchase. I do remember there was a gold handle between the two round knobs on the front that I removed for fear it would break. I no longer have it. Nice case, but veneer, likely made in China. It has a few nicks/scars; I’ve tried to include detailed pics. I’ve also included pics of the chips I found to have what I think will be called “fleas”, or chips on the edges. There’s also a few I found that have marks on them, maybe from other chips. While I did of every chips edge< I did not look at the face of every single chip, so it’s possible there could be others. There’s some that look a little dirty from handling them, the lower denomination $1 and 2.50 having the most, again, /I didn’t look at the both face sides of every chip. I've done NO cleaning of these chips, these pics are straight out of the case.

So, here’s a TON of Chip pics. Enjoy and please comment, especially if you have an opinion about value.

My Story

I was diagnosed in 2017 with a degenerative incurable lung disease (IPF or Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis). Among other things, I’m raising money for an additional 10L Oxygen concentrator to add (in a Y) to my existing machine. Medicare will not cover an additional machine until Hospice care is needed. Hopefully that’ still some years from now. If you Googled IPF, you’ll understand why I say I hope I still can measure my time left in years.

I've decided to start shedding some stuff I no longer use and let someone else enjoy them. My prized poker set being one of the things I’m letting go of. I knew I paid around 500 for this set and figured I’m never going to enjoy it, nor will anyone I know ever appreciate it again, so figured I’d see what it might be worth. I had a hard time even finding any info on these chips, but finally found a pic in the “what’s your dream set” thread, and that sent me down quite a rabbit hole. Frankly, I was a little taken aback at how active a forum dedicated to collecting poker chips would be. You guys are hardcore about it too, I love it! I know someone is going to absolutely love this set, would be nice if it could be someone from here who I know would love and appreciate them.


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I don't know if "advice wanted" qualifies for a wanted classified ad or not. But I will say I think you will get more attention and traffic in the Poker Chip General section, which is also probably more appropriate for this topic. I've noticed a lot of people who aren't actively selling chips, myself included, don't pay a lot of attention to this category. And since you are not buying, I don't think this is the best place for this.
Auction is definitely the best way to go, either here or eBay (more fees/taxes for you, and sales tax for many buyers). Start low, maybe $2500 without a buy it now option. A rack of $20 sold quickly on eBay for $1000 recently, so I think your set is certainly worth more than $4000, maybe a lot more. Best of luck to you!
Thank you for your reply, especially the mention about IPF, it sounds like you know someone who has been affected by it, and yes, it's a horrible disease. I live at the end of 50ft of high flow oxygen tubing. Imagine that, I was an outdoors person, fisherman with a high performance bass boat, worked with and rode horses at one point in my life.......and now if I can't do it within 50ft of my machine, I no longer do it. VARY rare that I leave the house, must use oxygen tanks when I do, and I go through a tank in about an hour
@HoofHeartedInHere I would definitely go with an AUCTION on these. There is enough interested parties here that are holding or building these. Rare is certainly a good term as to how often these come for sale in this quantity. I'm sure you've been flooded with questions and offers..... Take the highest offer you've received and make it your starting bid! (If it is good to you)

I for one will definitely bid if there's an auction for the whole lot!
It’s tough to put a price on these because chip prices in general have done some crazy things in the past couple of years and these particular chips don’t come up for sale very often. I honestly don’t know if they’re worth $5 bucks per chip or $15 per chip. But those, to me, would be the likely parameters. So if you’re looking for a stupid price to list then at to see if somebody bites, I’d say $10k is a nice stupid price.
But yeah, an auction is probably your best bet.
Just listed on eBay, 8888.88 for a buy it now. If someone is willing to pay 8888.88, I'm willing to take it :p
Seriously, I don't expect them to sell on eBay, but I wanna leave it for a week and see what hasppens. I was landing around the same broad range of 5 to 15 per, but didn't feel I have enough knowledge in general to make that call, so thank you.
Just listed on eBay, 8888.88 for a buy it now. If someone is willing to pay 8888.88, I'm willing to take it :p
Seriously, I don't expect them to sell on eBay, but I wanna leave it for a week and see what hasppens. I was landing around the same broad range of 5 to 15 per, but didn't feel I have enough knowledge in general to make that call, so thank you.
You should offer it here first instead so you don't have to pay fees.
Your best bet is probably a new listing in the For Sale section or an auction so it gets visibility. I'm not sure what the eBay fees on $8888.88 would be but maybe take a portion of that off the top for PCF folks and it's win/win?
I figure about 1k for eBay if it sells at 8888.88
If anyone here seriously wants to offer 7777.77, I'd take it. I'd almost feel bad asking that much but alsdo wouldn't turn it down.
Welcome to the forum.

Look, I wish you the best of luck, both with your situation and the sale, and you’re free to list them at whatever price you want.

But since this isn’t a For Sale listing, as another owner of these chips, I think an asking price of almost $18/chip is ambitious, at best. Perhaps an auction would be your best bet for fair value.

And given that you are brand new here, I’d recommend that you post a pic of the chips with your username and the date on an index card. No offense, but there have been instances of new members selling items they didn’t actually have, using pics that didn’t belong to them. By posting a pic with your username and date, others will have more comfort bidding. I’d also recommend posting a breakdown of denominations. GLWS!
Plus the tax implications which you said you can't have happen. You'll get a 1099-k from eBay, aka bad idea.

Put them up for an auction, add a reserve if you feel like you have to. You'll get a fair price at auction and not have to deal with the crazy headache of selling on FEEbay. The community here is among the best of any hobbyist forum I've ever been on. Ultimately they're your chips so your choice, but it seems the consensus of people commenting are recommending an auction. Hard to put a single dollar amount price on them. Also, you're coming along at an interesting time as the chip market is saturated with A LOT of nice chips right now due to other new chips entering the market. You might not get what this set would have 18 months ago, but you'll make a nice chunk of change over the $500 you paid.
$8888.88 plus eBay taxes & shipping puts a buyer at about $20/chip for a less-than-mint unplayable breakdown, including 1/4th of them solid $1s? Am I calculating that correctly?

I know you likely don't plan on hanging around once these are gone, so I guess it's best to just say that we're sorry to hear the health troubles you're facing, and hopefully whatever you end up getting for these puts your mind at ease a bit.

That said, business should be conducted in the Classifieds -- with the added benefit of much greater visibility.
Don't sweat it. A decent amount of respected chipping vets as of late have taken to putting their stuff on eBay before even listing they even have it on this website. If you drop it lower you know where to post that (should be Classifieds if genuinely listed here), and people know where to reach you.

That said, the advice given thus far is in good faith and I believe almost everyone would agree is accurate.


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