Re: $5/chip …
Hope I don’t regret this, but here’s a reference point: I paid (at least) twice that for $5/25/100s ~3 months ago and the sales ad had backup interest plus several chippers in my DMs pressing me hard for spare $5/25/100s … not to mention the prior run on them that had already steeled most owners’ resolve not to sell.
I’ll save the suppositions for the masses, but putting new Jack $1s @ a consistent $4-5/chip (unleaded, unshaped, un-storied), each remaining rack is currently priced at ~$1500. Snap buy? Doesn’t appear so, but put a WTB out for PCA $5/25/100s at, say, $10/chip and see how far you get. I’m confident that auctions for individual racks wouldn’t stop there.
I will add a personal bias that most of the demand for mint, leaded, shaped, storied casino chips (PCAs in particular) seem to be from those finishing their sets versus starting them, so no splits in this case may be a hindrance.
In any case, hopefully this is received as a genuine data point for those with honest questions and not seen as a slight on @arch3r’s sales thread.
GLWS. I know this is a grail set for many.