LOL knowing both Bergs and Guinness it would be impossible to confuse either of them with anyone, especially each other. (Believe it or not, even though they're both ultra-LAGs they have very different playing styles as well.)
Deezer and Bordizzle
Couldn't think of any at first, but Ben jogged my memory. I definitely mix up deez and dizzle.
I also feel similarly re: berg and guinness. Could not mix up those two.
This thread kind of makes me want to start a "How you picture each PCF user in your head" thread. But I've met too many of you guys on here at this point so now I just think of what you really look like. Boring.
BTW, my wife saw a picture of a bunch of us together at some meet up and said, "This looks like an ad for Weight Watchers and Rogaine." Brutal.