PCF Meat-up shirt - Poker Tour 2016 (4 Viewers)

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In for two, and will plan to get them at a meet-up to save shipping hassles.
  • Medium, Antique Cherry Red
  • Medium, Olive
I'm gonna go with 2 t-shirts Mark:

1 x XXL - Sports Gray
1 x XXL - Heather Navy

Awesome you guys are putting this thing together!
1 x 3xl Military Green please and thanks

Nice of you to do this,


1 Indigo Blue 2XL

Question tho... there are a bunch of shirt types in addition to the colors. Can we change the shirt as well?


I'll take 1 large. On mobile device, but first color. Top left. Grayish .

Thanks for putting this together!
If we can place the order today, we can get free delivery by August 3. That way I can hand deliver many of the shirts to people at the Rumble in the Rockies. We can also do rush delivery and get them in one week, but that costs 25% of the total order or almost $150. That would add almost $5 to the cost of each shirt. I say we go for free shipping.

Orders will cut off at 1:30 PM today.

If you know anyone else who might want to order a shirt, refer them to this thread.
Everyone who has placed an order, please review your order in post #2 and let me know if it is not correct.
OK - I found out a few more details as I started to place the order. We are limited to 4 different colors per order. That means I will have to place at least 6 different orders. Unfortunately, that will likely make the cost per shirt a little higher. What I am going to do is place the order today for those attending the Rumble in the Rockies so I can hand deliver those shirts. I will also order any other shirts that are the same color as those. The order thread will stay open for at least another week except for those attending the Rumble. That deadline is still 1:30 today.
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