PCF Poker Table Toppers - Order Thread #2 - CLOSED (8 Viewers)

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Ooohh, if it gets here before the 25th, I can use it in my charity tournament (spreading the word of PCF one table topper at a time) (y) :thumbsup:
So that was what the tracking info from USPS was for :) ..... I was going nuts trying to figure out what the heck was sent to me as I didn't have any chips coming or pinball parts (and my Kickstarter stuff is linked to my other email). (y) :thumbsup:
Topper came in today. Awesome quality. Will do well in a few months when I move and the poker table can't come along. May have to use it on top of my table anyway some time soon
What is the optimal table size for the topper? Have an upcoming game and want to make sure I get the best size.

Got mine today. I will say first nice packing @Tommy, was not worried about that. I am usually not a fan of Chinese products but these are printed perfect nice feel and seems to be a pretty great quality. I have not used them but I am very excited when I will, these are nicer than I expected.
What is the optimal table size for the topper? Have an upcoming game and want to make sure I get the best size.


Something that is bigger so its not hanging over the edge. How much big should be determined by the table's primary use and room size.
still havn't gotten mine :( should be any day now. got some blanks on my tracking info so not sure if it arrived today or not. post your pics people!
This might be a bad idea, but I was thinking would it be possible to do a 30" * 72" version at some point? Thinking this would fit the standard folding banquet tables.

Maybe that's too narrow for play?
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