Wanted People to go in on a SoCal LA/OC "Group Buy" of new blue/green Broken Arrow bridge setups (2 Viewers)


Full House
Tourney Director
Sep 26, 2021
Reaction score
Los Angeles, CA
Rating - 100%
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New versions of the Broken Arrow bridge setups, with new and improved design, will be available soon: https://www.pokerchipforum.com/threads/cards-group-buy-bridge-jumbo-setups-green-blue.120478/



Still reasonably priced at $8/setup plus shipping. Looks like 20 setups is the sweet spot as far as shipping cost, at $14.95 or 75¢/setup. I'm personally looking to get at minimum 2 setups, but would keep more as needed.

Just curious if other members would want to go in with me on a mini-group buy. (Update: Justin has adjusted the shipping for up to 30 setups, so it's almost the same per-setup cost as ordering 20 setups, so I will at least place an order of 30.)

I can meet up with people to deliver the setups when they arrive, or even reship--with Ground Advantage rates reshipping from within SoCal should still be cheaper than individuals placing separate orders. Tagging people who might be interested, in no particular order:

@wonderpuddle @TricycleClub @WhiteMamba1646 @IllCallOneTime @utgtrash @Samuel @Muckraker @Venturalvn @Mongoose @horseshoez @breal_cards @kimbless @Hotus777 @Organista1 @Ripgut @greenchip

I'm sure I missed people. Feel free to tag others in the greater LA/OC area.

Here is the interest list:

Please continue to post with interest, and I will reach out to Justin and see there's a sweet spot for shipping costs for over 30 setups.
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I’m not much into bridge but I do like the colors… mark me down for 1 atm I may do more, but I have so many cards already
@Johnblue adding you to my list in this thread.

Everyone else, even though we're at ~15 setups already, please express your interest. If we get only 21-22 setups, I may cut off the order at 20 setups for optimal shipping. But if we get close to 30 setups, then I'd probaby place two orders (20 setups and 10 setups) since the combined shipping is still cheaper than a single order. (In that case, the per-setup cost would be $8.83 instead of $8.75, spreading the total shipping cost across all 30 setups.)

If we get over 30 setups of interest, I'll ask Justin what his rate is and choose whatever shipping option is most favorable.
Are these plastic?
Yes they are 100% plastic.

Note to everyone, I crunched the numbers and for the folks who live pretty far away in SoCal and don’t come to Los Angeles often, it may not make sense to be part of this mini-GB.

The per-setup cost will be at least $8.75 after sharing the total shipping cost from Justin. If I have to reship, that’ll cost at least $4 for one setup and obviously more for more.

Justin’s one-setup direct shipping cost is like $5.60, so one setup would be $13.60 shipped from him, so it saves less than a dollar to go through me and it’ll take longer to get to you.

I am glad to have anyone join my mini-GB and to reship, but just want people to be aware and crunch their own numbers to see if it makes sense for them.

I am willing to hand-deliver setups to the Los Angeles area including the SFV, South Bay, even SGV or Orange County. If people want to meet part-way, great. I think that would be the most savings if there’s not reshipping involved.
I'd be interested in 2 setups but I'm in the San Diego area. If there's interest in the SD area, I wouldn't mind facilitating a meetup to make the delivery affordable.
Bump! Anyone else in the greater Los Angeles area (or who are willing to travel here from farther away to pick up the cards), including the SFV, SGV, and Orange County, want in on these?

I'll be sending a group PM to the folks who expressed interest above in a bit.

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