Yes beware, DaVinci cards are made by @#$&ano, therefore, they may be marked in various ways.
What is this now? I've never heard of this....!!!
Yes beware, DaVinci cards are made by @#$&ano, therefore, they may be marked in various ways.
Site vendor desjgn recently had modiano produce cards for him. There were variations in the back colors that were noticible - some were lighter, some were darker, within the same deck. Apparently Modiano refused to acknowledge the error and reprint the cards. So we’re all pretty pissed at modiano.What is this now? I've never heard of this....!!!
Yes, recent.Hmmm.... I've never had any problems with DaVinci. Was this recently?
And you can bet the farm that if you ever do have a problem with any of their cards, they couldn't care less.
You must not have read the total ordered quantity of cards involved. We're not talking about just a couple-dozen decks here.
Anyone want to play cards?
Hmmm. Lots of Copag-annoyance here. Well, for what it's worth, I use plenty of poker-size Copag cards when I deal blackjack or baccarat out of a shoe, they glide out nicely, and are durable. Have not drawn blood yet in 6 years, no damaged cards.
You send a complaint about a single deck -- or even a single card -- to USPC, or Copag, or Fourier, and you're gonna get at least the card replaced, and probably the entire deck. That's just good customer service.No I did understand that. I thought you were making a general comment about people ordering anything at any volume with the same manufacturer. My bad.
You think they're gonna give a rat's ass about a single customer, several layers removed?
It's not the industry in general.... it's this particular manufacturer and their clear and obvious disdain for the paying customer, regardless of order size.
I think that's a city name. Dal Negro is also made thereThe Ace of spades says “TRIESTE” but I don’t think they’re usually sold using that model name?
?1) there is no difference between pre and Post USPC Kems
That's the city where the company was founded, the original seat (I don't know about current company schemes and seats)I think that's a city name. Dal Negro is also made there