4 of a Kind
Hero finished 3rd. 

+1 to the guy with the Big Head Todd shirt.
It is too busy for my liking. It will get changed out in the future.The Vegas felt is pretty sweet!
I really think there should be more clapping and bat flips in pokerWe have a long tradition that everyone claps when someone gets knocked out of the tourney.
Last night was our Play-In Game for positions 8-15 to play for a spot it into our Freeroll for the season Championship.
1 player knocked out two in this hand.
Can you guess which two players are not happy?
View attachment 707610
Gotta love those 1 outers!
Double board Omaha
Flopped trips on both boards (Villan flopped a boat on the bottom board (33344)
I hit a boat up top on the turn (QQQ1010)
And then spike the last Q on the river to boat up on the bottom board and kill the 33344
In for $135 Out for $680
View attachment 711972