Ok back home so I can post pictures now.
It was a great cruise, nice to be back on the water, especially with poker involved. Like I mentioned earlier, cruise was only half full so it was nice and open to do anything. Few teenagers on board but not many. Food overall was ok, nothing special just normal cruise food and options. The staff seemed a little rusty, or maybe not fully hardened to handle a full cruise. But it really was a fine cruise and I’d recommend anyone who cruises regularly to get in while it’s not crowded.
Cardplayer poker
These are mainly all older retired players. You get a group of young guns every trio who are there for a bachelor party or something but mainly it’s 65+ Ok players who play pretty conservatively.
I don’t know if you can read between the lines, but what I’m saying is there’s money to be had if you work a little.
Tournament play was good, the conservative pick the crazies apart in the first few levels and then you can play TAGGG against the removing and clean up. I was the 4x raiser guy and pot sized continuation bets and got a reputation real fast so nobody messed with me much. Small blinds would regularly fold to my bb for fear I would raise and then follow up. We did well in tournaments, eventually cashing over $4500 between us. Spent a lot on entry’s but still came home with about $3000 more than we left with.
This is how many tournaments we played this week
Notable were the main, where 7 of us did an ICM chop, and the all in or fold tournament where
@travelgirl was in another 7 way ICM chop. Nobody was greedy, chops were normal especially after playing 7 hours until 1 am, old people get tired.
As far as covid travel we only had to wear masks when the US government was involved, like ports and terminals. Where foreign governments or businesses decided there were no masks. Same as in Africa, no masks. They laugh at diseases with less than 1% death rates, they wish all their diseases were like that.
Cruise ports were ok, not spectacular and the excursions we booked were kinda duds. Same stuff at all the ports, etc etc etc. water was cold so most beach trips were watching waves, snorkeling not so good.
I don’t know much about the ship. I didn’t go to any shows or events. I only played poker, ate, and slept basically. When you run deep in every tournament and there are 13 tournaments in six days it takes your time! But fantastically run tournaments, fantastic players to play against, it’s worth the extra money to weed out the casual headphone-hoody wearing wild guns.
But it was a smaller ship, had been refurbished some, so it was nice.
Booking through Cardplayer was cheaper than through the company, you have to pay Cardplayer $100 to access the room - and you have to do this before leaving port - but it was still cheaper. Like I mentioned before, the people you end up with are all solid well backed people, not looking to scam, hustle, pick up somebody, or otherwise bamboozle you, just a bunch of retired folks that want to have a good time.