SOLD Poker Lab Sample Set — Charity Auction (1 Viewer)

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Personal thanks from me to all who donated. It’s donations like this that make stories like my Mom possible. Almost 25 years ago my mom’s doctor told me they were going to do the Whipple procedure. He said the chances were grim she would survive it. Heckuva thing to say I thought. Despite this prognosis, they removed the cancer clean. She spent the next 16 years of her life going great things for my community. She passed 5 years ago, but saw me get sober and get married. Without the research, she woulda died way too young. Thanks again guys.
A little over three years ago I lost the love of my life Annette who was my beautiful bride for 33 years. She was my best friend and the mother of my children. She fought this horrible disease for 6 months until it took her life. Love you Annette!
As many know I am a Shriner which is where my donations go but PanCan is one organization I donate to as well.
Thank you to all who donated! I pray they find more ways to extend people’s lives who have this horrible Cancer.

As it has been said before

F&ck Cancer!
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